Friday, 17 April 2009

Biased BBC
Thursday, April 16, 2009
David Vance #


It never ceases to sicken me the way in which the BBC seems to be besotted with the loathsome Keith Vaz. In this story, note how they useVaz to try and undermine Boris Johnson. Pathetic stuff - ever since Boris won the BBC have been doing everything possible to try and get their pal Livingstone back into office next time round. That's one reason why Red Ken is never off the BBC. I know Boris has his frailties, and he says many things I do not agree with, but quite frankly this sort of petty nonsense is just a bit of character assassination.


Comments: 13 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


Ahoy Mateys - but if you want a laugh have a read of our man Justin Webb's latest diary entry concerning Obama's great triumph over the Somali pirates. It's truly pathetic stuff, visceral in bias. How he just LOVES Obama. Justin is more of a puppy to The ONE than even Bo.


Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


Hi all. Been away all day and just back now! See the BBC is bigging upthe story about Barry the Brave publishing "torture" memos from the Bush era. It soooo fits the narrative, doesn't it? The BBC salivate in true left-wing style at this sort of non story - it is made to confirm their most fevered imaginations about the evil Bush. Let's hope that Obama's GOP successor in the White House is also quick off the mark to expose any politically expedient memos from this presidential period - and trust that the BBC are quick to carry it so prominently! BTW - the BBC seema tad subdued about the Tea Parties for some odd reason?


Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

Wednesday, April 15, 2009