Anyone catch Justin's love-in concerning Obama's 100th glorious days? Truly nauseating stuff. Like the way Justin misleads on the polls as well. He seemed to miss the recent one that suggests that US confidence that it can win the war on terror has hit a low since Obama came to power or the fact that the US economy has slumped disastrously since Obama ascended to on-high. Just too in love to see the blemishes, I guess. (P.S Didn't Churchill, whom Obama quotes to Justin's delight , also believe that you had to utterly destroy your enemy to achieve peace?) Labels: Obamalove Comments: 25 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Hope you will come over to B-BBC liveblog on Question Time this evening. Here's the panel - Frank Skinner, Hillary Benn, Norman Baker, Andrew Lansley and Leanne Woods. My advice? Have a drink handy. A large one. Labels: question timeBiased BBC Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 14:07