BROWN SAVES ISLAMISTAN Great to see that PM Brown is going to unveil the government's revised strategy for the war in Afghanistan, following his visit to the country. He is expected to say Pakistan - which was also on his tour - must be part of a solution to Afghanistan's problems. Wow - now who would have figured that? Brown is simply acting as a cipher for Obama here and yet when Blair did the same for Bush, he was castigated for it by the BBC. However the BBC desire to keep HMS Brown afloat at all costs means a blind eye is turned to yet another UTTERLY worthless Brown "initiative" Labels: afghanistan, Pakistan, save gordon Comments: 25 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # SWINE FEVER TO SAVE AILING BROWN? The BBC's coverage of the putative swine flu pandemic seems to have cranked up this mornin with the front news page explaining all the wonders that Government it doing to "inform" us as to what we need to do so civilisation does not come to an end. And great to see the NHS buying 32 million face masks - for their staff, just in case. More wise allocation of finite resources. My solution is not go to Mexico, but apparently the government has decided that would be a step too far. All this pandemic hype certainly keeps Mr Brown's political woes away from the public, doesn't it? Labels: swine fever Comments: 23 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # OBAMA - THE FIRST GLORIOUS 100 DAYS. Anyone catch the tributes BBC TV was paying to the first 100 days of the era of Obama the 1st this morning? Gushing, one-sided and the only watch-out note struck was that perhaps he had not gone far enough yet to "roll back the years of the Bush Presidency". It's not news, it's propaganda. Labels: Obamalove Comments: 23 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Tuesday, April 28, 2009Biased BBC Wednesday, April 29, 2009
David Vance #
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 19:21