Sunday, 12 April 2009

BNP Chairman’s Easter Message : The British National Party
By BNP News 
The British National Party is the only party which opposes mass immigration and surrender to theEuropean Union. Unlike the other parties, we mean it when we say it. The BNP has a range of sensible policies covering every aspect of British ... Under a new anti-discrimination directive recently passed in the european parliament and now awaiting the approval from all member states…. They are going to outlaw almost everything that could possibly offend minority religions ...
The British National Party -

European Court ruling infringes freedom of speech « Purerlife
By purerlife 
Because they won’t be offending the pharma companies that the European Directive sets out to protect. In fact, they will be doing the exact opposite, so unless consumers or other concerned parties were able to enlist the support ... The FFII press release continues that whilst the EU, US, Japanese and other governments are negotiating ACTA no drafts are published, but in the US many corporate lobbyists are considered ‘cleared advisors’ and have access to ACTA documents. ...
Purerlife -

Milton Louw - Making A Better Namibia: Keep you cell number ...
By Milton Louw
Some of these liberalisation efforts are being driven by regulations that call for number portability. For example, the European Union (EU) Universal Service and Users' Rights Directive (2002/22/EC), Article 30 - effective since July ...
Milton Louw - Making A Better Namibia -