DEMOCRACY? - in Britain??
Only the GULLIBLE think we have it!
Nothing in the land is more important than Election Petition M330/08, to be heard in
at 10.30a.m. Wed. 6th May 2009.
‘DEMOCRACY’ (in the unlikely form of one solitary World War II veteran) is taking on the whole of Police State Britain. He does so in memory of his brave young shipmates who gave their lives in World War II, but have been so badly betrayed by the War Criminals of the
Blair Brown Cameron Regime.
If you have any regard for those who fought & died in WW II, you MUST be there.
The corrupt ‘News Media’ (even Private Eye!) have imposed a total blackout on information about this hearing. Only those able to attend will learn of the criminal methods used by WY Police
to silence honest election candidates.
For more, telephone 01274 541 213