Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Critical Alert: The Swine Flu Pandemic – Fact or Fiction?

'American health officials declared a public health emergency as cases of swine flu were confirmed in the U.S. Health officials across the world fear this could be the leading edge of a global pandemic emerging from Mexico, where seven people are confirmed dead as a result of the new virus.

On Monday April 27th, the World health organisation (WHO) raised its pandemic aler level to four on its six-level threat scale, which means they've determined that the virus is capable of human-to-human transmission. The initial outbreaks across North America reveal an infection already travelling at higher velocity than did the last official pandemic strain, the 1968 Hong Kong flu.'


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

U.S. Air Force Study Proposed 2009 Influenza Pandemic in 1996

'On June 17, 1996, the U.S. Air Force released Air Force 2025, "a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future." In the unclassified study, the College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama posed several "fictional representations of future situations/scenarios" likely to arise.

In Chapter five, the authors present a timeline figure representing "plausible history." In 2009, according to the figure, influenza will kill 30 million people. "A similar influenza pandemic occurred in the past," a footnote explains, making a reference to the influenza epidemic of 1918 and 1919, described as "one of the worst human catastrophes on record. It has been estimated that more than 20 million people around the world died during the epidemic, and of the 20 million people who suffered from the illness in the United States, approximately 850,000 died".'


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

FDA Approves Emergency Measures For 'Mass Dosing' Of U.S. Citizens

'The FDA has approved "emergency measures" to carry out "mass dosings" of U.S. citizens with antiviral drugs in the event of a widespread swine flu pandemic. An Associated Press report states that the new powers would allow the drugs to be distributed to  a "broader range of the population" than present measures allow.

The drugs, primarily Tamiflu and Relenza, would be "distributed to larger segments of the populationwithout complying with the approved label requirements," according to the report. The announcement follows a similar directive issued last night, which would allow Tamiflu to be used to treat children under the age of 1 and to provide doses higher than originally approved for children over the age of 1.'


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Was The 'Spanish Flu' Epidemic Man-made? (Flashback)

'In 1948 Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo, told his CIA Interrogator that the most devastating plague in human history was man-made. He was referring to the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 that infected 20% of the world's population and killed between 60 and 100 million people.

This is roughly three times as many as were killed and wounded in World War One, and is comparable to WWII losses, yet this modern plague has slipped down the memory hole. Mueller said the flu started as a US army bacteriological warfare weapon that somehow infected US army ranks at Camp Riley KS in March 1918, and spread around the world.

He says that it "got out of control" but we cannot discount the horrible possibility that the "Spanish Flu" was a deliberate elite depopulation measure, and that it could be used again. Researchers have found connections between it and the "Bird Flu".'


Time Magazine Preps Americans for Mandatory Vaccinations

'Time Magazine's coverage of the swine flu scare has a noticeable subplot - preparing Americans for draconian measures to combat a future pandemic as well as forcing them to accept the idea of mandatory vaccinations.

In an article entitled How to Deal With Swine Flu: Heeding the Mistakes of 1976, the piece discusses how dozens died and hundreds were injured from vaccines as a result of the 1976 swine flu fiasco, when the Ford administration attempted to use the infection of soldiers at Fort Dix as a pretext for a mass vaccination of the entire country.

Despite acknowledging that the 1976 farce was an example of "how not to handle a flu outbreak," the article still introduces the notion that officials "may soon have to consider whether to institute draconian measures to combat the disease".'