Dharamsala: forging Tibetans’ future , Temtsel Hao
The attitude of the authorities in the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the Dalai Lama and exiled Tibetans is reminiscent of the response of Joseph Stalin when the Soviet dictator was advised to avoid conflict with the Catholic church:...
Russia's NGOs: strangled by red tape, Olga Gnezdilova
On 18 April 2006 the "new law on non-commercial organisations" came into force. This involved significant changes to the activities of non-government organisations (NGOs).
The amendments to the law went through parliament in 2006 in...
Capitalism and democracy , Achin Vanaik
The missing term in the dominant discourse on democracy is capitalism. Even on the left, current realism apparently demands that we refuse to think beyond capitalism, that we do not seriously interrogate the substantial but never complete...