Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Dominic Lawson: Higher taxes will drive not just people but businesses

I was in the Commons when my father removed the old higher rates, to
Labour’s fury

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

I know it’s got to the point that when Gordon Brown says something, it
is generally assumed that the opposite is true. Observe, for example,
his remarks a few days ago at an event for The Prince’s Trust: Mr Brown
volunteered that his proposal to introduce a top tax rate of 50p in the
pound “is not taxation for its own sake, it is tax for a purpose”.

Yet for the moment, dismiss from your minds the unworthy thought that
this proves Gordon Brown really does like the idea of imposing greater
taxes on the well-off as an end in itself. Instead, consider that the
proposal did indeed have a purpose: it succeeded in its objective of
seizing the Budget headlines, when otherwise the media would have
concentrated entirely on the shocking public debt figures which
Chancellor Darling was obliged to reveal.

It had a second – also entirely political – purpose. The Labour benches
were uneasy with Mr Darling’s revelation that public expenditure (after
taking into account the increased cost of debt repayment) would need to
be cut. Just about their only cheer came when the Chancellor dropped his
little tax bombshell that those earning over £150,000 a year would pay a
significantly higher rate of tax: indeed, with the removal of a number
of allowances, it seems that many will find that their marginal rate of
tax will rise to 60 per cent once their earnings reach £100,000.

There is historical payback in this.

In March 1988 I was in the House of Commons, in the seats reserved for
family, when my father removed the old higher rates of tax and
established a new top rate of 40 per cent. The Labour benches erupted in
fury, so much so that the sitting had to be suspended: I recall Gordon
Brown being among the most animated in rage.

The claim made by the then Chancellor that this measure would stimulate
the forces of entrepreneurship in the economy, and might not lead to any
loss in tax revenues from the highest earners, turned out to be
justified; but it was clear to me intuitively at the time that the
Labour benches were not yelling with fury because they feared that these
tax cuts would lead to worse times for the least welloff.

They were simply appalled by the idea that the better-off should be
allowed to keep more than half of their income out of the hands of the
taxman – regardless of how well or wisely that money was subsequently
spent by the state: indeed, they would rather the money be dropped,
unspent, into a bottomless pit, than retained to such an extent by the
people who had earned it in the first place. That view still has wide
currency, and not just among the Labour MPs who never called themselves

What is strange, however, is that for all those people who believe that
a high level of personal income tax is a social good in itself, there
seem to be none who personally volunteer to pay more. I know of no
individual, however committed to equality of post-tax income, who sends
an extra annual cheque to the Inland Revenue, over and above the amount
he or she believes is owed by law.

To the extent that this is based on an unspoken understanding of the
grotesque inefficiencies involved as the money is tortuously funnelled
from those who earn it to those who need it, Alistair Darling’s claim
that the Government would be able to save “£9bn a year of additional
efficiency savings” comes as mere confirmation.

As Vince Cable observed, if the Government is right that it could save
£9bn a year in “additional efficiencies” without sacrificing a single
programme or public sector project, why was such large-scale
inefficiency regarded as acceptable until now?

That £9bn is still a small fraction of the running public sector debt of
£175bn; the benefits of the increased tax on higher earners are yet
smaller, even on the Government’s claims. It says that the new 50p rate,
combined with the removal of some higher-rate allowances, will raise an
extra £7bn a year. This is starkly denied by the non-partisan Institute
for Fiscal Studies. Following detailed research over a number of years,
the IFS has concluded that the Government would maximise the

revenue it collects from those earning over £100,000 a year by imposing
a marginal rate of 55.6 per cent. The current marginal rate for those
high earners is already 53 per cent; yet the IFS’s optimal figure will
be left well behind in Brown’s wake as a result of the Budget.

Such calculations are based not just on the fact that people with
exportable skills might leave the country if they believe their net
earnings would be higher elsewherealthough it is a worry, given that the
top 1 per cent of earners pay 22 per cent of total income tax. The
likelihood of such an exodus can be exaggerated, especially at a time
when job opportunities are declining globally; the greater problem is
the extent to which international businesses decide to base themselves

The key to this is the financial services sector. Although those
businesses account for less than 10 per cent of British GDP, they
generate 25 per cent of Corporation Tax revenues. It is true that the
Exchequer will probably end up losing about £50bn as a result of the
bank bailouts; but that is

dwarfed by what the City has paid into state coffers over the course of
the last decade. You might not approve of such things as financial
derivatives, but the fact is that by 2007 almost half of them were
traded in London (to the fury of New York, Paris and Frankfurt) which
means that the profits were booked and taxed in the UK.

Such businesses are highly mobile: unlike great manufacturing plants, it
is no great effort to relocate a trading floor from one country to
another, especially if the staff are recruited internationally. This,
indeed, is why Gordon Brown had slobbered over the City while
Chancellor: he knew that they were funding the dramatic increases in
public expenditure which were the key to his political strategy.

Characters as diverse as the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Mandelson
have argued recently that it would be better if we “made” more things.
Yet if the objective is to finance a generous welfare state, then you
can’t really believe that we should sponsor car manufacturing, which
produces negligible amounts of profits and therefore taxes, and
discourage more lucrative industries; added to which, the unfashionable
truth is that the countries which are suffering most in the current
recession are those most dependent on the export of manufactured goods,
such as Japan and Germany.

Some newspapers have argued that the budget showed Gordon Brown engaged
in class war. That is a preposterously old-fashioned way of looking at
it. The City, for example, has long since ceased to be a sinecure for
the sons of the aristocracy: it is furiously, even obsessively,

In fact the only family to gain substantially in the budget was the
Royal one: buried in the small print was an amendment permitting the
Prince of Wales to deduct his sons’ official expenses from his own tax

Which brings us back to those remarks by Brown at The Prince’s Trust: he
concluded by revealing the “purpose” of the increase in the tax on high-
earners: it was “Britain taking bold action for recovery”.

Now that is definitely the exact opposite of the truth.
