Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The Express doesn't allow for the number we accept already which will 
reduce the figure of EXTRA asylum seekers slightly.  This apart the 
whole thing is a nightmare.  It's still totally unacceptable and 
should be opposed.

The less well off countries will just give up and shovel the migrants 
on as quickly as possible.


DAILY EXPRESS 29.4.09 Brother


By Nick Fagge

Thousands more asylum seekers will be given the right to live, work 
and claim benefits in Britain.

Controversial plans will require the UK to accept one in eight of all 
migrants who set foot in any of the 27 European Union countries and 
demand refugee status.

It could mean an estimated 22,500 more  [? see intro -cs] people 
coming to Britain.

Taxpayers will be expected to foot the bill for their food, 
accommodation and clothing, plus legal fees while they apply for 
international protection.
Asylum seekers must also be given the right to work within six months 
of their arrival, enabling them to claim thousands of pounds in 
benefits if they cannot find a job. Their children must also be found 
school places.

Migrants can only be detained as a last resort and must not be held 
in secure accommodation more than 72 hours without a judge's approval.
The proposals, supported by Labour MEPs, are part of the EU's Common 
European Asylum System and will be put to the European Parliament in 
Strasbourg for approval.

Last night Conservative MEP Philip Bradbourn said: "Economic migrants 
posing as asylum seekers [which is what most of them are! -cs]  would 
have an easy ride under these plans.

"Once again, the EU thinks the only answer to justified immigration 
concerns is to take control of asylum policy. Controlling our borders 
is one of the most important roles of government.
"For more than a decade, Labour has been unable to form a coherent 
immigration policy, but that should not justify handing it to Brussels."

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage said: "Brussels will soon 
be dictating who has the right to live and work in Britain. The EU is 
pushing for a common asylum and immigration policy but it is being 
pushed through without proper thought."