Fight Labour on Tax and Spend - Matthew Parris
Lobby Missing McBride Already - Billy Blanko
Letter to a Young Guido - Big Issue
Winning the Orwell Prize for Blogging - Nightjack
Tories Invited 50% Tax, Should Oppose - ConservativeHome
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2009
The Heirs to Blair Should Fight Labour on Tax and Sp
Matthew Parris yesterday called on the Conservatives to come out of the closet, and behave like conservatives, Guido would be happy if they just behaved like Blairites. The symbolic 63.8% tax rate* should be opposed. Everyone can see that for the government to take more than half your income is not social justice, it is ritually sacrificing the successful on the altar of socialist dogma. Blair would never have countenanced it, he ruled it out in every manifesto that he signed.
The Cameroons have yet to shake off their awe of Blair, who was admittedly a political genius when it came to strategy. Brown is not Blair, when it comes to strategy he is a political idiot, he may be half blind but his bigger handicap is that he is tone deaf to popular feeling. Guido will frame his argument in terms that may resonate with the Cameroon’s better than Tim Montgomerie’sobituary for New Labour.
Osborne should ignore the siren calls of the Pollys and the Finkelsteins for acquiesance, there is no need to draw close to Gordon’s line. Labour in government has once again ended in national financial disaster. Think what would Blair do in this situation?
The New Statesman’s James Macintyre, who often takes his copy straight from Mandelson’s friends with whom he has had a close relationship, says that Mandelson wants to fight on a programme of “prioritisation”. Mandelson wants to change the narrative to accept cuts in spending, in this he is supported by the surviving Blairites including Purnell. The Cameroon’s must not cede this territory to the Blairites in government. Mandelson knows the time for tax and spend is over, buried in debt and deficits.
So accept Gordon’s dividing lines. Think strategically “what would Blair do?” Now is the time for a clear message of fiscal conservativism and sound money.
*That is what it really amounts to when you include the combined NI of 13.8%.