Friday 17 April 2009

Here is your Crux AM update: 

A shocking secret about the U.S. Navy's biggest liability
New report reveals why "one day we'll wake up to a second Pearl Harbor..." 

Permabear "never been more confident" S&P will plunge 62%
David Tice says we're in the middle of a "sucker's rally." 

Retail investors pouring into tax-free munis
Local governments sold $12 billion of debt in the first quarter. 

Gartman: Rising metals prices signal booming economy
"They are very good leading economic indicators." 

Learn what the best bond investors in the world are buying
Bond King Bill Gross' outfit is loading up on some sectors… and avoiding others. 

More on investment legend Steve Leuthold's super bullish call
"Stocks were in the bottom 10 percent of historical valuations at the March lows..." 


The Daily Crux