Here is your Crux PM update:
Jim Rogers slams Washington: "They're making it worse"
Another great rant from our bow-tied friend.
China's plot to destroy U.S. currency will fail
Dumping the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency "would take many years."
Investment myth debunked: Diversification stinks
Diversification works… until things get really bad
Why the government screws up everything it touches
"It inevitably will destroy both the economy and the currency."
Bloodthirsty U.S. gov't gunning for offshore accounts
"We cannot allow an environment to develop where wealthy individuals can go offshore and avoid paying taxes…"
Real estate crisis accelerates… record 19% annual drop in prices
"Very few bright spots that one can see in the data."
A great graphic shows market recoveries after huge losses
It may be 10 years until we see a recovery.
The Daily Crux
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
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Britannia Radio