Prof Francisco Gil White
History of the 20th Century
4 hourly lecturesd
(Nazi Ideaology and infiltration into terrorist movements
How it effects the Mid East and Israel perhaps future prophetic interpretations?
History of the 20th Century
14 chapters-14 interviews(listed as per his book chapters)
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to his site HIR
part1-as promised
Dissertation by Prof Francisco Gil White
His Background
The Importance of History
The Creation of the Eugenics Movement
Oh -Its those Jews Again
Dr Francisco Gil White-part 2 History of the 20th Century- The Name -Palestine-and Hadjamini al Husseini-in converstaion with Harold Hoffman
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30.7.2007 (8113)
Prof Gil White(-chapter 4-) our part 3- The Rise of the Eugenics Movement in Germany-History-Aristocracy-and the rise of Hitler-the role of the USA/UK ELITE-
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The role of the Vatican -pope pius 12th -chapter 5 part our part 4-Click to Listen