I am a former causer of man made disasters and now involving myself in the project of overseas contingency plans.
If I were making a speech instead of writing it I might need a teleprompter to speak the title of this article. Does anyone understand what our government is doing? For those that cannot work it out or need help in deciphering President Obama's code for the new word or words for a terrorist and the latte elitist language for "War on Terror," you just got it in the title of the article.
Our most understanding president sends a love video to Iran; I just hope he sent it in the right format so they could actually see it. The Iranians must have seen it because there were comments from the mad mullahs that were not exactly encouraging.
As a person who in my youth was steeped in terrorism and hatred we would sneer at such talk from Israelis or Americans. The current NON-politics of fear will bring death and destruction, or "man made disasters." If the truth is to be known is that our President will be the true cause of the man made disasters with the policies of appeasement that are beyond irresponsible.
As a former Jihadist (which is a word that according to our President is the "politics of fear), let me tell you what will defeat the terrorists. First we must identify the problem, which in itself is politically incorrect. The issue is not terrorism, which is the symptom but the real problem is the ideology of Islamic Fundamentalism. In the Middle East and even in America Islamic Fundamentalism is the prevalent and dominant within the Muslim world. This is what needs to be defeated or blunted heavily before we can stop the violence.
For those that do not understand the meaning of Islamic Fundamentalist as a former Muslim terrorist let me give you it exactly: "Religious conditioning taught to Muslim masses, by using illusions of misery, historic manipulation, and illusion of the virtues of a distant past by continual reflection on glory days long ago, in order to convert the masses into angry, pride filled, remorseless killers and seekers of salvation by death. The goal is to intimidate non-Muslims by fear and threats, in order to re-establish a utopian theocratic world order in which Islam and Muslims are dominant and all non-Muslims are subservient. This conditioning becomes the sole focus of both the spiritual leaders, and the followers in every aspect of their daily lives."
I experienced the Friday prayers when the Imam would spew from the pulpit the hatred of Jews, Christians and Americans, the evidence of which is all over the Internet but not on our mainstream media. Today it is a hundreds times worse than when I was a terrorist in the 1970s and early 1980s. In America there is overwhelming evidence that the same hatred is being propagated at epidemic proportions in the United States within the mosques and no one in our government is willing to speak on it let alone do something about it.
Many in our media and even some of our most conservative voices wish to believe that the problem of terrorism is based on a minority of extremists but this I tell you as a former Muslim and a former terrorist is far from the truth. When I lived in the West Bank our whole society was steeped in this hatred from the school, the mosque, the media and even in our family, this is the way it is right across the Middle East which is hidden from us by the mainstream media.
If we are to defeat the evil of Islamic Fundamentalism and the scourge of "man made caused disasters" we need to first recognize the problem as I have identified if we are even to start to defeat it.
We need to educate ourselves, recognize the deceptions that we as a society are willing to accept for the sake of political correctness but in the long term will only create an even bigger disaster if we do not begin to deal with them today. The parallel comparison is our unwillingness to deal with the Nazis until it was too late. We have the potential for twenty, thirty or more Nazi states to emerge with the dominance if Islamic Fundamentalism. Churchill was regarded as a Naziphobe, he was one of the few who sounded the alarm bells. I am an Islamaphobe can I and a few others be right and the rest of the world wrong? History says yes.
The current policies and ideas from this new presidential administration will only bring more and bigger "man caused disasters" both to our shores and to our allies.
Walid Shoebat and Keith Davies
Leader and Executive Director Walid Shoebat Foundation
Sunday, 5 April 2009
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Britannia Radio