I Am Not A Terrorist
I don’t know about you, but I don’t know a terrorist. And in all my communications with the good people of this nation, both conservative and liberal, I have never known anyone who hated the peace and prosperity of America more than the American government. They steal land, money, and resources. They created our problems; we did not. Perhaps, the Department of Homeland Security should consider these facts.......
by Nancy Levant
Internationalism, globalism and Obama vs. Sovereignty and the U.S.
We have heard and seen Obama’s kiss up to world leaders and literally bowing down to Saudi Kings on his G 20 trip. Globalism and Internationalism is the reality he worships and bows down to, not the God of the Holy Bible or the Sovereignty of the United States. There, I said it. Call me a nasty, domestic terrorist. Oh yeah, I already have been called that by the Homeland Security Report last week, the day before the Tea Parties.......
by Laurie Roth
Criminal Alien Border Crossing is a Crime, Period!
If you cross the border illegally in Mexico, when they catch you, it's instant prison. No excuses. You broke their laws and you pay their price. However, Mexico's citizens think they can thwart our laws and subvert our country with lawlessness. The United States tolerates over 20 million criminal aliens within its borders. The crime, corruption and degree of lawlessness in dozens of areas grows to staggering numbers and consequences for all law-abiding American citizens......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Saturday, 25 April 2009
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Britannia Radio