The computer, which was not encrypted, went missing during a recent exercise in Britain. It was being used by the Signals Regiment - who were attached to the elite force based in Hereford. According to a source, it held sensitive information about the regiment's military and counter-terrorism manoeuvres. The loss came to light after military chiefs carried out a routine audit of kit and realised the computer was missing. The MoD insists the computer did not contain information about operations or details of weapons. But Shadow Defence Secretary Liam Fox said the loss was "deeply concerning". He added: "Any loss of data of this nature is deeply concerning, especially if there are security implications. "We will want to know the full picture from the Ministry of Defence as soon as possible to ensure that neither civilians nor military personnel are at risk." A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said: "We can confirm that we are investigating the possible loss of a hard drive, containing only unclassified information which was being used on a training exercise. "We are carrying out our inquiries into what happened."Laptop with names of SAS men is missing
A laptop containing the names of SAS soldiers and their top-secret training exercises has gone missing, the Ministry of Defence has admitted.
Monday, 13 April 2009
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Britannia Radio