The Last Great Swine Flu Epidemic Putting Swine Flu in Perspective Japan facing worst economic outlook on record: Japan's economy is expected to shrink 3.3 per cent over the coming year, marking its biggest decline in more than five decades, according to government predictions. Two-thirds facing a pay cut or freeze: More than two-thirds of British companies plan to cut or freeze their workers' salaries this year, the British Chambers of Commerce said yesterday, as it warned that private sector employers face a desperate battle to survive the recession. Meltdown losses of '$4 trillion': The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned credit crunch losses could reach $4 trillion (£2.75tn), damaging the financial system for years to come. 'Deeper' recession ahead says IMF: The IMF says this represents "by far the deepest post-World War II recession" with an actual decline in output in countries making up 75% of the world economy. Row with emerging nations threatens IMF's cash call: Russians warn that the IMF must deliver on its power-sharing commitments GM to slash 21,000 more jobs: General Motors, the US car giant, is to cut 21,000 factory jobs next year, close plants and drop its Pontiac brand as it struggles to remain afloat. More countries confirm swine flu: Cases of the deadly swine flu virus are confirmed as far afield as New Zealand and Israel as the UN warns it cannot be contained. The swine flu crisis lays bare the meat industry's monstrous power: The Mexico swine flu outbreak should alert us to a highly globalised industry with global political clout Specter To Switch Parties: "Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans."
By Patrick Di Justo
"This virus will kill 1 million Americans," declared the U.S. in 1976. The panic then has a lot to teach us today. Continue
4 Minute Video
Congressman Ron Paul gives his thoughts on the swine flu issue. Continue
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
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Britannia Radio