Let’s Play Pretend!
Friday, April 3, 2009
When elementary school kids want to escape the confines of their circumstances they pretend to be pirates, princesses, and Jedi knights. Now, with the relaxation of “mark to market” valuation rules announced yesterday by the accounting trade’s self-regulatory body,
The Fault Lines Emerge
Friday, March 27, 2009
For a few fleeting, horrifying moments this past week the fault lines that underlie the global economic crisis erupted into plain view. With deft and quick effort leaders in Washington, Europe and Asia papered over the fissures and fears largely subsided.
The Mother of All Bells
Friday, March 20, 2009
There is an old adage on Wall Street that no one rings a bell at major market tops or bottoms. That may be true in normal times, but as many have noticed, we are now completely through the looking glass.
Credit Card Cancer
Friday, March 13, 2009
This week, with his pronouncement that “credit is the lifeblood of a healthy economy,” President Obama reiterated what has been one of his most common themes in diagnosing our economic problem.4/6/2009
Estimated U.S. Taxpayer Cost for Bailout Jumps
- Reuters4/6/2009
Consumers Fall Behind On Loans at Record Rate
- USA Today4/6/2009
Loan Losses Will Exceed Depression Levels
- Bloomberg4/6/2009
$1T Hit to Pensions Could Cost T'Payers, Workers
- Seattle Times4/6/2009
Recession Outlasts Even Extended Jobless Benefits
- Charlotte Observer4/6/2009
Ripples of the Recession
- Arizona Republic4/6/2009
Recession Nibbles at What Shoppers Got Used To
- Chicago Tribune4/6/2009
Appraisers Struggle to Keep Up with Falling Values
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution4/6/2009
Ranks of Homeless Swell as Middle Class Teeters
- San Francisco Chronicle4/6/2009
Rampant Unemployment Emboldens Con Men
- Hartford Courant4/6/2009
Walt Disney Co. Cuts 1,400 Jobs in Florida
Decoupling Set To Increase
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This week, the leaders and finance ministers of the 20 most economically important nations, or G-20, will convene in London to develop coordinated policies that they hope will prevent a worldwide depression.Commentary Archives Shah Gilani, April 6, 2009
Not Just a Price Floor, Treasury Programs May be a Stable Foundation for Economic Recovery
The U.S. Treasury’s much-maligned Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) and its new “prequel,” the Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP) have been viewed by the markets and skeptical prospective participants as merely a price discovery mechanism which, with a lot of luck, might create a floor under toxic security prices.
In this column, we present commentary for the benefit of our readers from opinion makers and writers not associated with Euro Pacific. Opinions expressed are those of the writer, and may or may not reflect those held by Euro Pacific, or its president, Peter Schiff.
James Turk, April 1, 2009
A Message from the Weak Curren
Decoupling Set To Increase
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This week, the leaders and finance ministers of the 20 most economically important nations, or G-20, will convene in London to develop coordinated policies that they hope will prevent a worldwide depression.Commentary Archives Shah Gilani, April 6, 2009
Not Just a Price Floor, Treasury Programs May be a Stable Foundation for Economic Recovery
The U.S. Treasury’s much-maligned Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) and its new “prequel,” the Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP) have been viewed by the markets and skeptical prospective participants as merely a price discovery mechanism which, with a lot of luck, might create a floor under toxic security prices.
In this column, we present commentary for the benefit of our readers from opinion makers and writers not associated with Euro Pacific. Opinions expressed are those of the writer, and may or may not reflect those held by Euro Pacific, or its president, Peter Schiff.
James Turk, April 1, 2009
A Message from the Weak Currency
Sometimes it can be particularly useful to look at gold's chart pattern in terms of the weakest national currency.
Sometimes it can be particularly useful to look at gold's chart pattern in terms of the weakest national currency.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
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Britannia Radio