Friday, 24 April 2009

A life sentence from Brown-Darling

Today the crisis lurches into yet new horrors.  The whole budget  
thesis that the planned tax increases and cuts in spending would do  
the trick and nobody would feel any pain until the election was  
safely over now looks like a sick joke.   That wasn’t the half of it  
- literally.

You can take all the forecasts of tax rises and cuts and DOUBLE  
them!  No wonder that Darling missed the budget debate yesterday and  
flew unexpectedly to the IMF in Washington. WHY?  And why is nobody  
asking?   Is he after ‘work-experience’ ?

The facts that we all must face are that we can no longer afford to  
be a first rank nation for the foreseeable future.  We cannot afford  
to fund the welfare state.   We cannot afford the lunatic Green  
expenditure.  We cannot afford the Defence spending we have long  
thought necessary.    But the real ‘killer’is that we cannot afford  
the continuing refusal to cut sdpending for the next two years.  It  
must be cut NOW for every day it isn’t cut the debt mountain grows.   
We can’t afford another day of Brown’s government.

It looks ever more certain that the Tories will be faced - for the  
third time in my lifetime - to clear up Labour’s disasters.  I don’t  
know whether they can succeed.  I doubt if anyone can,  but one thing  
is sure - it will be a very rough ride and for half of the population  
it will take the rest of our lives.  Somehow we’ll have to get  
through it.


TELEGRAPH                       24.4.09
1.(Leader) The Tories must rise to this challenge
Telegraph View: no Budget in recent memory has prompted the level of  
public anger that has greeted Wednesday's statement.

Alistair Darling has flown to Washington to meet the International  
Monetary Fund. Sounds familiar? Unlike his predecessor Denis Healey,  
the Chancellor is not (yet) looking for a bail-out, even though the  
public finances are in far worse shape than in 1976, when the IMF  
stepped in to rescue the British economy. The alarming truth is that  
the scale of our indebtedness is now so immense that the IMF would be  
hard-pressed to offer sufficient help.

Little wonder, then, that no Budget in recent memory has prompted the  
level of public anger that has greeted Wednesday's statement. It has  
finally become clear to the people of this country that Labour's  
reckless stewardship of the economy, combined with the banking  
collapse, has burdened not only them but also their children with a  
seemingly insurmountable mountain of debt. Most recessions lead to a  
few years of austerity; this one looks like ushering in a decade or  
more of hard times.

It is futile to look to this Government for any message of hope or  
indication of competence, for it has simply lost control of the  
economy. Mr Darling himself appeared to be in a state of Zen-like  
detachment as he set out the size of the debt and conjured out of the  
air wholly implausible growth forecasts on which to base his recovery  
strategy. As for any sense of urgency in the face of this crisis –  
forget it. The Chancellor blithely confirmed that public spending  
will continue to soar this year and next, by £19 billion and £20  
billion respectively. Only after that will a tentative start be made  
– not at cutting budgets, but at trimming the rate of spending  
growth. And of course there was plenty of money to pour into make- 
work schemes for "our people". Combine this with the sheer, spiteful  
stupidity of breaking a manifesto pledge by pushing up the top rate  
of tax, in a move that will trigger an exodus of talented wealth  
creators, and the wretched picture is complete.

As it retreats to its bunker, the Government has shown it has no  
compunction about treating the better off with contempt. Yet these  
are the people who will be left to pick up the bill for Labour's  
blinding incompetence. No wonder they are angry. This Budget has  
marked a historic rupture between Labour and the middle classes which  
helped propel it to power – and offers the Conservatives an  
opportunity they must not fumble. The Tories are refusing to make any  
commitments on tax levels so far in advance of an election, which may  
be understandable. [With the situation changing daily,  of course  
it’s understandable -cs]  What they cannot avoid is setting out  
radical plans for a smaller state, without which the public finances  
cannot be restored. This will be the battleground for the next  
election – and the campaign starts now.
. Britain's debt will not be under control until 2032
The unprecedented burden of public debt built up by Gordon Brown will  
not be brought under control for nearly a quarter of a century,  
economists have said.

    By James Kirkup, Political Correspondent

”Debt freedom day”, when the national debt returns to sustainable  
levels, will not be reached until 2032 - another 23 years away, the  
respected Institute for Fiscal Studies said.

Families could soon find themselves paying at least another £1,400 a  
year in tax as part of the Government’s attempts to bring public debt  
back under control, the IFS predicted.

It said there was a gap between the amount of money that would be  
raised by the tax measures in this week’s Budget and the amount the  
Government will need to fund its spending plans.

This secret “blackhole” could end up adding another £1,430 each year  
to the average families’ tax bill, it said.

The stark warning of a generation of austerity ahead came as Alistair  
Darling admitted he could not be sure his optimistic forecasts for a  
quick economic recovery would be realised.
“It is very difficult to be absolutely certain as to what will  
happen,” he admitted.

The Chancellor’s predictions for growth to resume by the end of this  
year and to reach boom levels again by 2011 have been widely  
questioned, with the International Monetary Fund suggesting the  
British economy would actually shrink next year - despite Mr  
Darling’s forecast of modest growth. “The crisis is far from over,”  
it said.

The IFS warned that despite the tax rises and spending cuts announced  
in the Budget this week, future chancellors would be forced to raise  
even more money to fill a “breathtaking” long-term hole in the public  

The scale of the problem is so great that even with years of tax  
rises and spending cuts, the national debt will not be low enough to  
meet Gordon Brown’s now-abandoned “sustainable investment rule” until  
2032. This “golden rule” dictated that Government debt should not  
rise above 40 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

In the Budget however, Mr Darling said he would borrow another £700  
billion over the next five years, pushing the accumulated stock of  
Government debt to £1.4 trillion, equal to almost 80 per cent gross  
domestic product.

The golden rule on borrowing, which Mr Brown actually announced when  
he was Chancellor, has been “temporarily suspended” as the UK economy  
endures the worst recession for 60 years.

Mr Darling has set out plans for debt to peak at 76.2 per cent of GDP  
in 2013/14. Paying the interest on that debt could cost as much as  
£58 billion a year by then, more than annual spending on schools in  

Bringing the debt back to the level Mr Brown once said was necessary  
for economic stability will take another 23 years, according to Carl  
Emmerson, an IFS economist. “Public debt will remain high for a  
generation,” he said.
”Deliverance from Darling’s Debt Day” will come on 27 February, 2032,  
Mr Emmerson said.

As a first step towards controlling the stock of debt, Mr Darling has  
set out plans for the Government to stop running up annual deficits  
by 2017/18.
To achieve that, Mr Darling on Wednesday set out plans for several  
years of tax rises - including a 50 per cent top rate of income tax  
-- and an effective freeze on public spending from 2011. [We need  
CUTS NOW - not a paltry freeze in two years time -cs]

But as far-reaching and controversial as those measures are, they  
will still not be enough to get the Government out of the red,  
according to the IFS, an independent think-tank.

Robert Chote, the IFS director, said that collapsing tax revenues and  
the cost of bailing out the banking sector have done “breathtaking”  
long-term damage to the public finances.

The Budget reveals an “underlying problem,” a permanent hole in the  
public finances of around £90 billion a year, he said. “It is this  
that will require two full parliaments of mounting austerity.”

In all, the Government will have to bring in an extra £2,840 a year  
for every household by the end of the parliament after next.

But the IFS said that the Budget package only explained how around  
half of that sum will be raised after 2014.

The rest of the shortfall will have to come from higher taxes, lower
spending, or a combination of the two.

George Osborne, the Conservative shadow chancellor, said the IFS  
analysis showed that ministers had understated the scale of the  
fiscal crisis facing Britain.

”This secret tax bombshell of £1430 was not even announced by the  
Chancellor on Wednesday,” he said. “It shows what a dishonest Budget  
it was and how quickly it is unravelling.”

The unexplained gap in the public finances does not open up until  
April 2014, which is likely to be in the parliament after next.   
[There is absolutely no need to wait that long.  The longer we waity  
the bigger ther debts -cs]

With opinion polls pointing to a Labour defeat at the next election,  
it may fall to a Conservative Government to fill the gap.
”Whoever is in No 11 come 2014 will have to make some difficult  
choices. It could be a plan to cut more from public spending, or it  
could be more tax rises,” said Mr Emmerson.

David Cameron has signalled that he is likely to retain some of  
Labour’s tax rises including the 50p rate, saying that unpopular  
decisions will be required to control the debt.

But the Tories are still debating their approach to spending: some  
Tory MPs believe the party should commit to squeezing spending harder  
than Labour, but Mr Cameron is still wary of making pledges that  
could lead to accusations that the Tories will cut front-line  
services. [They’ll HAVE TYO be cut and the sooner the less deep they  
need be -cs]

The Treasury defended the debt plans.  A spokesman said: “To try to  
reduce our borrowing overnight would have very bad consequences for  
us all, and lead to greater losses in the long term. That is why the  
current Budget charts a course to reduce borrowing while at the same  
time supporting the economy now, which is critically important for  
our recovery.”
Now we are all up to our ears in it

Alistair Darling's calamitous Budget not only consigned the nation to  
decades of debt, but also planted a poisonous legacy that will blight  
generations to come, says Jeff Randall.

"To preserve [the people's] independence, we must not let our rulers  
load us with perpetual debt. We must make our selection between  
economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude."

Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America,1801-1809.
This week, Alistair Darling made a selection for us. His Budget for  
Bankruptcy banished economy and liberty. In their place, he delivered  
a profusion of unaffordable spending and a contract of servitude, not  
just for this generation, but for the next and the one after that.  
This is how independence is murdered. A ball-and-chain of spirit- 
sapping debt has been clamped to the nation's future. We are all  
serfs now.

In a speech of stunning torpidity (how does he manage it?), the  
Chancellor claimed: "You can grow your way out of recession, you  
can't cut your way out of it." Growth sounds attractive, an  
aspiration for solid citizens. Except the growth that Mr Darling had  
in mind was government borrowing, which is shooting up like bindweed  
on steroids, choking the economy.

His red numbers are so immense that most pocket calculators cannot  
accommodate them. Over the next five years – if all goes according to  
plan – Mr Darling will borrow £703,000,000,000. As the late Roy  
Castle used to say: "It's a record breaker!"

The United Kingdom is mired in debt, and the Chancellor's fiendishly  
clever escape route is, er, to borrow his way out of it. He's in a  
hole and digging furiously. Yet Gordon Brown, whose face is beginning  
to resemble a smacked bottom, was delighted by his cipher's  
performance. This style of presentation – straight from the Ceausescu  
handbook of statistics management – appeals to the Prime Minister's  

It sounds complicated, but is surprisingly simple. You start with a  
politically desirable conclusion – in this case, the triumph of a  
suffocating state over personal responsibility, self-sufficiency and  
wealth-creating enterprise – and work backwards: cheating, lying,  
fiddling the numbers, until both sides of the balance sheet appear to  
be in harmony. This is how Labour operated its fraudulent boom. The  
same trick is being tried in a catastrophic bust.
In order for Mr Darling not to overshoot his wild borrowing  
forecasts, some heroic assumptions need to be made about Britain's  
prospects for robust recovery. So, guess what? He's made them – in  
spades. By 2011, the British economy will be powering ahead – yes,  
expanding by 3.5 per cent annually (well above long-term trend). It  
really will. Lovely jubbly.

The genius of this approach is that it enables the Treasury to  
predict that public-sector net borrowing in two years' time will be  
down to a "manageable" £140 billion, just 11.9 per cent of GDP.  
Covering this claim is a wafer of credibility so thin that even a  
blind mole in a deep sleep could see through it.

For the record, when state borrowing rises above 10 per cent of GDP,  
you expect the country's leaders to look like Eli Wallach in The  
Magnificent Seven, attired in bullet-belts and chewing tobacco. But  
remember, these are Mr Darling's best guesses. They could turn out to  
be – and almost certainly will turn out to be – much worse.

The form book provides some pointers. When Mr Brown was head chef at  
the Book Cooking Department, he almost always underestimated the gap  
between spending and receipts. In his final Budget speech in 2007 – a  
spectacular example of what The Economist labels his "moralising  
drivel" – Mr Brown told us that Government borrowing would be £30  
billion in 2009, and then £28 billion, £26 billion and £24 billion; a  
total of £108 billion in the four years from 2009 to 12.

In terms of proximity to outcome, the distance apart is most  
effectively measured in light years. On Wednesday, Mr Darling  
adjusted those numbers to £175 billion, £173 billion, £140 billion  
and £118 billion, more than five times his boss's boldly delivered  
forecast. Mr Brown does still keep in touch with Prudence, but only  
via a Ouija board. In the absence of the economy being fitted with  
turbo-charged boosters, there seems not the faintest possibility that  
the Budget deficit will, as promised, be halved by 2013-14.

But why are we even discussing events five years hence? In the weird  
world of Mr Darling, five months is an eternity. In that time, since  
the November pre-Budget report, his guidance has unravelled  
completely. It appears to have much in common with Damian McBride's  
email output, only without the bile: both are products of life inside  
Mr Brown's grand delusion.

Lest you think that doubts on the accuracy of Mr Darling's foresight  
are cast only by curmudgeons in the press and other enemies of the  
NuLabocracy, allow me to draw your attention to a comment from  
Compass, the centre-Left pressure group, in its post-Budget press  
release: "We would warn the Government that its forecasts for  
economic growth contained in the Budget are all calculated on a boom- 
and-bust, pre-crash economic model which assumes rising consumption,  
rising house prices and the resulting consumer debt; the very same  
factors that contributed to the current economic and climate crisis."  
Spot on.

Part of Mr Darling's dangerous fiction is that by breaking his  
party's manifesto promise, and raising the top rate of tax to 50 per  
cent, the widening chasm in state finances will be filled by the ill- 
gotten gains of the "rich". This is crude electioneering. It appeals  
largely to those who lose count past 10 fingers and toes. If you add  
receipts from the upper-limit tax hike to the additional income  
generated by his attack on top earners' pensions (through a  
restriction of tax relief), how much comes in? Well, on a sunny day,  
with a fair wind, with all the coins in the right slot, about £7  

Marvellous. When you are spending, as Mr Darling is, £671 billion a  
year, £7 billion is little more than a rounding error. In order to  
drag back the deficit to somewhere near a sustainable level, there  
will have to be a squeeze on public spending not seen since Geoffrey  
Howe's courageous but (at the time) immensely unpopular Budget of  
1981. There is no evidence to suggest that Messrs Darling and Brown  
have either the appetite or backbone to impose such discipline. Their  
view of taxpayers' cash is as a means to bribe voters.

Compare this year's Budget with 2008's and you'll get the picture. At  
a time when most families are being forced to make sacrifices, the  
state is stepping up its binge. Overall, projected expenditure will  
increase by £53 billion, the biggest chunk of which will be swallowed  
by the euphemistically labelled "social protection" (mostly welfare  
payments). At £189 billion, this is expected to account for more than  
a quarter of all government outgoings. The really troubling category,  
however, is "other", on which £72 billion is lavished (up from £67  
billion). This is twice the allotment for defence. One dreads to  
think of the profligacy that is masked therein.

If the tipster at the bottom of The Racing Post's naps column had a  
forecasting record on a par with Mr Darling's, his newspaper would  
shunt him to the obituaries section. But, for argument's sake, let's  
assume that the Chancellor's projections are broadly correct. By  
2013-14, Britain's net debt will be 79 per cent of national output.  
At this level, we face possible humiliation as our creditworthiness  
crumbles and investors refuse to buy the Government's devalued IOUs.  
As a country, we will be skint.

The most stomach-churning development to emerge from this debacle is  
that, as a result of Labour's disgraceful stewardship, Britain is now  
locked into long-term structural indebtedness. Economic cycles come  
and go, but when the credit crunch eases, and the recovery begins,  
the need for very high levels of government borrowing, and therefore  
taxation, will not go away.

Jefferson set out the choices. This useless Government picked the  
wrong one.