America Crucified |
On a hill far away stands a old rugged Cross. The hill is your mind, the cross is there, empty waiting for Americans to stand up in defense of their beliefs, their republic, their family and property. On this Easter where are the true Americans that descended from people who gave up so much for this country to be what it should be? Our ancestors blood was spilled on the ground of battle to defend their individuality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from taxation, freedom from a tyrants greed and debauchery, freedom to live freely making personal decisions without interference from a government, king, queen or dictator. Even as a child I was strange, I marched to a different drummer, I always had a strange way of being what I wanted to be, in my mind nothing was impossible and that still stands. Nothing is impossible. It is possible for people to actually wipe the film from their eyes and see what is happening to this country in small increments, well not so small now.. The dissent of our country resembles a whirlpool.. the outer rings going slowly increasing in speed as it reaches the bottom.. well folks we are nearing the bottom and events are escalating at a alarming rate going faster and faster. Those that are so well educated, so liberal in their thinking and so above all of this in their mind will be the ones lost in the rabble of confusion when real solid Americans take back their country. You "wanna-be" aristocrats won't be able to fool the so called, ignorant, redneck, hillbilly, uneducated hard working Americans, some even have dirt under their fingernails from honest work. You aren't fooling them. You can intimidate, sneer at, belittle them with your aloof attitudes and all consuming self centered behavior but in the end you will be begging for help from all of us dumb gun toting people who are sitting here watching you as you think you are part of the winning team of upper class Citizens of the World. So relentless in pursuit of your own happiness and wallowing in the filth of corruption, so fast to speak out for the deviant behavior of your friends and associates, so sure you are part of the elite? You evidently think you will be spared. Don't count on it. You will be the easiest target saved for last as you will sit and watch your brothers slain, degraded and crucified for their belief in their religion, their devotion to their family and the determination to own their own souls. Then they will come for you and you will line up for your rewards and you shall get it. The people of this nation have no idea of the depth of the degradation, the depth of corruption, the depth of evil, of the people who have calculated and worked to conquer this nation from within. Look at them, name them and find out their past, look who you are associating with and emulating. What are they doing for you and your family and country? Where are the hero's of yesterday? Where are the White Hats on TV and the Movies? There are none any longer, just more and more propaganda and fear, teaching youngsters to kill with their games and entertainment novelties. Teaching everyone to "CONFORM" Be part of the whole, don't be different, don't resist the greater good. Who is the top dog that would state what is the Greater Good? Who is this entity? Where do they get their ideas and who do they benefit? Certainly not the Common Folk. Not even the so called elite when it comes right down to the bottom line. No one profits except the so called Elite who plan for the take over of civilization or rather the destruction of it. Our only glimmer of hope and survival is that once these leaders have massed their powers and fused the people of the world into one huge conglomeration of oneness they will then begin to fight among themselves. Each will want to be the leader, the one in total power, they will start dividing among themselves and will eventually kill each other off leaving the survivors to restructure their worlds into something that will be a decent place to live in. As we all know there is no honor among thieves. Let the real game begin, we the underclasses will survive because we know how to, we have not been gifted with the gracious and glorious life of the rich and unnecessary. We have worked, saved, learned from others how to actually do things like grow gardens, can foods, build our homes and most of all we have learned how to get along with less and have become stronger for it. Who will feed the elite? Who will clothe them? Who will shelter them? How will they survive without their anti depressants, their Viagra, their mind enhancing drugs, their sleeping pills, their hair dressers, manicurists, therapists, who will tell them what to do? Who will be there to catch them when they fall off of that ladder of self produced egotism and self righteousness? I won't be there for them, will you? I will be busy caring for my friends, family and country. The Black hats of today will Fall if we work together.
Stand together. |
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 21:03