April 7, 2009

Dear Henry,
After seeing that article withHitler's police file, see how interesting this other police file is. Dilma Rousseff, the current government Chief of Staff of Lula, a ministerial position, has been chosen by the Worker's Party to follow the (now millionaire) former factory worker Lula to the Presidency. Lula is one of the most corrupt presidents in history and is a tool for the Marxists.
Rousseff's father was a Bulgarian Communist.
On top of the file: TERRORIST / BANK ROBBER
On bottom:
Profession: Unknown
1967 - agent for the Worker's Politics Movement
06/10/68 - robbery of Banespa bank, Iguatemi Street, $ 80,000
12/10/68 - planned the murder of [American] Capt. Charles Chandler [accomplished in cold blood, in front of his house, his wife and child]
11/12/68 - robbery of Gun Store Diana, Seminario Street, 48 guns [stolen]
??/04/69 - National Liberation Command [another terrorist organization)
24/01/69 - Robbery of Quitauna Arms Depository - 63 FAU rifles, 3 INA guns, 4 munitions.
18/07/69 - Robbery of the Governor Ademar de Barros' house [the money was never recovered]
01/08/68 - Robbery of the Mercantil of Sao Paulo bank.
??/09/69 - VAR Palmares [terrorist organization] Congress in Teresopolis.
20/09/69 - Robbery of the Public Force Police Quarters in Barro Branco.
These people receive substantial allowances for life because they have been arrested. The family of people whom they have killed get nothing at all. She climbed to the top inside the government because she is a Communist.
Another important friend of Lula and a Party director, Jose Dirceu, was also a terrorist and was trained in Cuba [a traitor of Brazil, really]. Dirceu was the head of the worst corruption scheme in the history of Brazil and is still free and working as a "consultant" in the government. (eminence grise).
All the machine of the government has been put at Dilma's support. She goes to every inauguration of projects and is exalted by Lula.
This is the kind of people who are being used by the New World Order to enslave us. I leave a warning, especially for the American leftists who like Chavez and Castro: Obama, pal of William Ayers, is not far from these guys. Is this what is in store of the US?
See Comment Below from another Brazilian: