Monday, 6 April 2009

Monday, 6th April 2009

The first test


Both Professor Eytan Gilboa and John Bolton, hereand here have observed that the crisis over North Korea has a significance beyond itself. It is the first major test of Obama – and how he reacts will tell the world how he intends to deal with Iran.

So far he could hardly have performed more stupidly. Here’s Bolton:

Incredibly, U.S. Special Envoy for North Korea Stephen Bosworth revealed -- just a few days before the launch -- that he was ready to visit Pyongyang and resume the six-party talks once the "dust from the missiles settles." It is no wonder the North fired away. Once the missile shot was complete, the administration's answer was hand-wringing, more rhetoric and, oh yes, the obligatory trip to the U.N. Security Council so that it could scold the defiant DPRK.


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Delivering Israel to the Arabs


As was entirely predictable, Obama has gone to his good friends the Saudis to help him throw Israel under the bus. Having bowed deeply to the Saudi King Abdullah when they were in London last week (an image which tells you everything you need to know -- and so has been conspicuous by its absence from the msm; the Queen, by contrast, merited only a protocol-busting hand on the back) Obama, according to his Middle East envoy George Mitchell, is adopting the Saudi Israel destruction 'peace' plan as his solution to the Middle East impasse. Ha'aretz reports:

The Arab peace initiative will be part of the Obama administration's policy toward the Middle East, the United States special envoy to the region said. The 2002 initiative offers to normalize relations between the entire Arab region and Israel, in exchange for a complete Israeli


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