What Haber fails to acknowledge is a) the world approved of Israel during Oslo because it thought that now Israel would never again use military force to defend itself, which of course Jews are forbidden by the world to do, and b) that it was during the Oslo years that admiration for ‘plucky little Israel’ somehow got translated to ‘Israel is a Nazi state’ in 2000 when the suicide bombers of the Second Intifada were unleashed upon its buses and pizza parlours and Israel took measures to stop the carnage. This was not a coincidence. However, since it appears that in the theatre of the absurd that in Israel passes for a political system the Foreign Minister may soon get carted off to jail for corruption, the excitement over the rare wisdom he has enunciated may be distinctly premature.The Nerve! Doesn't This Man Realise That Black Is White?
Here is a standard boilerplate Israeli reaction to Avigdor Lieberman’s speech, which I remarked uponhere. Writer Eitan Haber comments that the foreign Minister needs some tutoring before he says such foolish things as the fact that Israel failed to achieve anything from the concessions it made as part of the Oslo peace process, since that process apparently led to the approval of Israel by the world, a doubling of the education budget, the building of new roads and Ben Gurion airport and the eradication of cancer (ok, I made that last bit up).
Friday, 3 April 2009
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Britannia Radio