Tuesday, 21 April 2009



Those Who Fail To Learn From History
Are Condemned To Repeat It

"In 1934, Harry W. Freeman, my grandfather, was already lecturing about the dangers of Hitler and Nazism. Nobody listened. The Holocaust was not prevented. Today Israel's enemies plan a second Holocaust against the Jews of Israel and the world. The governments and people of Europe not only acquiesce but actively aid in this genocidal plan through diplomatic and material support. The American State Department encourages this by actively striving to weaken Israel's strategic and military superiority. Their first stage is to use the so called "peace process" to weaken Israel and strip it of its strategic territories. They are being aided by the same hypocrites and accomplices in the West who failed to aid the Jews of Europe in their darkest hour. Unfortunately, even left-wing Israelis and American Jews have fallen victims to the seductive lure of peace and have begun a policy of appeasement similar to that tried with Hitler. The results will be no different.
"The Arab propaganda full of slanders and libels; the media bias against Israel replete with double standards and the rewriting of history are all working to the same end: making Israel appear illegitimate. Israel is the only country considered by many to be guilty of original sin by virtue of its very existence. This process has as its goal creating a world climate in which the destruction of Israel is acceptable. Many in the Jewish community are either apathetic or fail to recognize this threat.
"I founded the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies in order to create a powerful voice to arouse the Jewish community to the action necessary to frustrate the evil designs of the enemies of Israel. I need your help to accomplish this mission."
. . . . . . . . .Bernard J. Shapiro
 Future plans call for a building housing offices and meeting rooms. One special project is the creation of a Museum of Jewish Warriors -- honoring Jewish fighters from Biblical times to the present. We feel that Jewish communities need to have a focus on Jewish heroism to complement the martyrdom of Holocaust Museums.
The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition

Israel eyes US missile defense system

Apr. 21, 2009
Associated Press , THE JERUSALEM POST
A Phalanx weapon system.
A Phalanx weapon system.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak hopes to buy a US missile defense system to protect Israeli towns from short-range rockets and mortar fire, defense officials said Tuesday.
Barak plans to ask US Defense Secretary Robert Gates to sell Israel the Vulcan-Phalanx cannon and radar system when he visits Washington in June, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity as the request has not yet formally been made.
The Vulcan-Phalanx - manufactured by US company Raytheon Co.- is to be integrated into a multilayer defense umbrella that will include Israel's Iron Dome and two other missile systems being developed with the United States, the officials said.
During Israel's recent military offensive into the Gaza Strip, Palestinians there fired rockets more than 45 kilometers into Israel. They continue to lob mortar shells and Kassam rockets across the border.
The defense ministry has been looking at anti-rocket systems since 2003 but put the search into high gear after the Second Lebanon War in 2006, when nearly 4,000 Katyusha rockets slammed into northern Israel.
Iron Dome, under development by state-owned weapons maker Rafael, is meant to counter Hizbullah's Katyushas and the Kassam rockets fired from Gaza.
The laser-based system is expected to be ready for deployment next year.
Rafael is also working with Raytheon to develop a system named "Magic Wand" against medium-range missiles.
To meet long-range threats, such as an Iranian attack, Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. and Chicago-based Boeing Co. are producing the Arrow missile, which has been successfully tested and partially deployed.
The most advanced version, the Arrow II, was specifically designed to counter Iran's Shihab ballistic missile, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
The Shahab-3 has a range of up to 2,000 kilometers, putting Israel well within striking distance.
Monday, April 20, 2009
IDF Chief of General Staff Spoke in Memorial Holocaust Service and visited Holocaust Survivor

April 20th, 2009
Today, The IDF Chief of the general Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, spoke at a memorial service commemorating the Holocaust, at the Holocaust museum "Yad Vashem".
During his speech Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi said: "We come here together, at the 
top of this mountain, at the "Yad Veshem" museum in Jerusalem, the place of memory and commemoration of the greatest atrocity humanity has even known, in order to tell the story of the bravery and great struggle of the youth 
during the Holocaust.
This time, between Passover and Independence Day, brings us back every year to our history books, to the amazing stories of those teenagers, some 
between the ages 18-19 and some even younger, who rebelled against the Nazis and their helpers. Those who were taken from us, who fought and
carried the 
miracle of the rebellion with them, even after their houses were destroyed, 
their families were annihilated and the destruction around them was too 
great for anyone to bear. These people, who aspired to fight courageously 
for their "three sentences in the history book", ensured that the Jewish 
fighter was not a forgotten motif, but a concrete fact.
As testimony to this, thousands of boys and girls continue to engage in 
education within youth groups even today, when technology offers a wide 
variety of alternatives. It is apparent, when we see thousands of young 
adults who choose to volunteer for a year in order to develop the periphery 
and prepare for army service, and it is most evident amongst the soldiers 
and officers of the ground, air and naval forces, who recently returned from 
Operation Cast Lead. Despite the complex mission they operated with 
determination, courage and dedication and lead the IDF to impressive 
achievements. "
Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi also visited a Holocaust survivor, Mrs. Cornelia Judith 
Brenner, as a part of the "Flower for a Survivor" project, a project that is 
now taking place for the fifth year. Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi thanked Mrs. Brenner 
for sharing her emotional life story with him.
The project involves 10,000 soldiers, among them 35 senior commanders (Brig. Gen. and up, including the Chief of the Staff), who will visit over 8,000 
Holocaust survivors all over the country. The IDF soldiers and officers will 
be exposed to the personal testimony of the survivors and will deliver a 
message from the IDF and State of Israel, recognizing their personal victory 
and individual contribution to the State of Israel. The holocaust survivors 
will be presented with a special certificate and a flower.
The purpose of the "Flower for the Survivor" is to acknowledge the 
survivors' victories and personal contributions, and to share with the 
soldiers the special, moving and difficult stories of their revival in 


By Bernard J. Shapiro (May 1996)

Time is running out. On May 29th, Israeli voters will make a fateful decision that will either save Israel or lose it for all time. A victory for Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and his Labor Party will mean that the Oslo Agreement will be brought to its logical conclusion. That conclusion as we have discussed many times will mean diminishing security and water supplies for Israelis. It will mean the abandonment of Jerusalem and the emergence of an irredentist PLO terrorist state dedicated to Israel's destruction. To elect Peres would mean the abandonment of Jewish history and its Holy Places. Electing Peres means that millions of Arabs will return to "Palestine" and millions of Jews will begin to emigrate to a more secure home.
Herzl dreamed a wonderful dream of Jews returning to rebuild Zion. Millions of Jews followed that dream: planting trees, irrigating land, reviving the Hebrew language, starting industries, founding kibbutzim, building Jewish villages and cities and creating the powerful Israel Defense Forces. Herzl could not have foreseen that a new generation would grow up in Israel that knew neither history nor Jewishness. He could not have foreseen that there would be an Israeli Prime Minister who would abandon Jerusalem and Hebron. Herzl could not have foreseen that a Peres would value membership in the Arab League more than his people's roots in their own soil. He would not have guessed that Israeli leaders, would treat their own country like the evil mother in the tale of Solomon. That they would be willing to divide what was rightfully the possession of the Jewish people. And what would they get in return for this great sacrifice, only contempt and demands for more concessions.
One thing is clear to me: the Lord has blessed Israel by re-uniting Jerusalem and bringing Judea, Samaria, and Gaza back under its control. It would be a horrendous sin against G-d and common sense for Israel to renounce this inheritance to which it is entitled. Israel holds these lands as a sacred trust for the Jewish people in perpetuity. It would not only be sinful, but also criminal, to abuse that trust by denying future generations of Jews their Holy Land -- Land of their Fathers; the one tiny spot on planet earth given to them
by G-d.
We must therefore fight this final battle with all the power at our disposal. Hashem has sent us Messengers of Truth like Elyakim Ha'etzni, Louis Rene Beres and Yossef Bodansky. He has given us modern Maccabees like Nadia and Ruth Matar of the Women in Green and Moshe Feiglin, Rabbi Benny Elon and Shmuel Sackett of Zo Artzeinu. We must rally to their side, standing shoulder to shoulder with them in their struggle to save Eretz Yisrael. We must mobilize support for Benyamin Netanyahu as the best candidate for Prime Minister. And we must also give the religious, Zionist and pro-security parties on the Right our support. By electing Netanyahu and giving him a strong coalition,we may avert disaster for Israel. But this is only the first step on the road to recovery of the Zionist dream. There will be many more difficult battles ahead. However, we must win this one, or it will be too late for the others. Ein Brera.
In blood and fire was Israel born and on a hot anvil was she forged. The brave citizens of Israel must take a quick glance back to the crematoria of Auschwitz and then go forth to face the enemy knowing that there is still no alternative (ein briera).