Obama's 100 Days As President
WLKY.com - Louisville,KY,USA
He will travel to Moscow in July to seal a new arms reduction treaty and to confirm a new post-Cold War relationship. On the incendiary Middle East, ...
See all stories on this topicBritish PM faces new test of authority
Irish Times - Dublin,Ireland
The Conservatives, meanwhile, have stepped up their campaign for a Brown “EU-turn” and a British referendum on the Lisbon Treaty – hinting that an incoming ...
See all stories on this topicProtests mark opening of EU conservative congress
EurActiv - Brussels,Belgium
Rasmussen also attacked the EPP for its ideas to reform capitalism. "The EPP manifesto says they want better regulation of the financial market, ...
See all stories on this topicYesterday in parliament
guardian.co.uk - UK
Brown insisted the Lisbon treaty was not an EU constitution and said it was right for top earners to pay "a little more" to help the country through the ...
See all stories on this topicOne-size-fits-all regulation may not work for all EU alternative ...
By laxman
From Propertyfundsworld.com: Professional services firm KPMG has warned that the EuropeanCommission's proposals for ‘one-size-fits-all' regulation of alternative investment managers based within the European Union may not be ... classes covered by the draft Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers. ‘We believe that the regulation must separate out different asset classes in what is a wide and varied industry,' says UK-based private equity partner Vincent Neate… ...
Opalesque Real Estate Briefing - http://www.opalesque.com/Realestate_Briefing/Jim Hamilton's World of Securities Regulation
By James Hamilton
The Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers is designed to create a comprehensive and effective regulatory framework for hedge and orivate equity fund managers at the European level. The proposed Directive will provide robust ...
Jim Hamilton's World of Securities... - http://jimhamiltonblog.blogspot.com/more of that old school telegraph shit « Niqnaq
By niqnaq
Private equity can pop the champagne today but they may not be celebrating for long as we will not accept such an ineffective regulation. Charlie McCreevy, EU commissioner, said the directive was necessary to address the concerns ...
Niqnaq - http://niqnaq.wordpress.com/FiNTAG: Hedge Fund Daily News, Views, Opinions and Gossip ...
By Finbar Taggit
That EU Directive or the 6.1%? Which one should we look at? The slump in GDP of the world's largest economy or the anti-capitalist onslaught on us humble hedgies? My instinct says the collapse of the USA. There appears to be a perverse correlation between .... Overseas markets tightened their short-selling regulations temporarily in response to the increase in market volatility after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy in September. However, SFC research shows that those ...
FiNTAG - Daily Hedge Fund News,... - http://fintag.com/Hedge Fund Standards Board Statement On Alternative Investment ...
The Hedge Fund Standards Board (HFSB) has strong reservations about proposals contained in theEuropean Commission's Draft Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and is concerned at the lack of consultation over the directive. ... It would empower the Commission to issue detailedregulations, in effect sidelining national regulators. It would also force non-EU countries to approve equivalent regulation if they want to maintain access to the European market. ...
Mondo Visione - http://www.mondovisione.com/
Thursday, 30 April 2009
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Britannia Radio