By Tony GOPrano
The United States, occupying one of 20 chairs on the FSB board (21 if we count the EU), will come to a consensus with other central bankers from the G-20 nations on what these regulations should say. Then the Securities and Exchange Commission, ... But, of course, there will be nothing voluntary about the administration's demand that the agencies implement the coming FSB directives, no matter how intrusive they may be.) And, finally, there is Obama's delegation of a total ...
POLITICO MAFIOSO - http://politicomafioso.blogspot.com/
Fund industry looks to EIFs to drive international demand To qualify for the EIF regime, a fund may only accept investors deemed to be experienced under the Financial Services (Experienced Investor Funds) Regulations 2005, who have a net worth of EUR1m aside from their residential property, whose normal .... 'Any EU, EEA or Swiss national is entitled to work in Gibraltar under EU directives, and for nationalities not covered by those criteria there are no ideological issues regarding work permits for individuals in demand. ... Hedgeweek News - http://www.hedgeweek.com/ |
Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 - Windows Live Statewatch Observatory The surveillance of telecommunications in the EU Under mandatory data retention a record will be kept of everyone's phone-calls, e-mails, mobile phone calls (including location) and internet usage ... Truth Point - http://truthpoint.spaces.live.com/ |