A second article today from Liam Halligan. He is worried about
INflation and as it happens I issued a strong warning about the same
thing on 11 March after talks in The City. The paragraph in question
said - - -
After DEflation is INflation the real killer?
The suggestion is that Deflation will continue for about 21/2 years
and during this period it is hoped that measures being taken will
restore the economy because during this period as prices fall debts
do not!
The follow-up to that is that with the economy awash with money from
all these stimuli that inflation is not likely, - IT IS CERTAIN!
Governments like inflation because they can borrow today and pay
back with devalued currency later. They cheat the savers with what
effectively is a "stealth" wealth tax.'
The only thing I would change in that is that Inflation will hit us
sooner than anticipated.
This is far too important to mix up with more post-G20 comment. Tied
in with the figures he gives here is the nightmare for British
budgets namely interest charges on Brown-Darling's vast borrowings.
Even if we do not repay a penny of these borrowings we will be
saddled with vast interest charges on the borrowings. These have to
be paid out of taxation because the ability to borrow more to pay
them will vanish and simultaneously interest rates will rise. So
Britain is now in the position of improvident credit-card borrowers
who "pay off" one debt by the use of a different credit card. We're
damned near broke - NOW.
xxxxxxxxx cs
Breaking the silence before the inflation tsunami
"You must be the only person worried about inflation, Liam". So I was
told on Newsnight last week - by someone who's spent four of the last
five years in the cabinet.
Almost lost for words, I blurted an answer before Mr Paxman intervened.
But I left the television studio shocked that the former minister,
someone of genuine ability [why is he not IN the government then ? -
cs] , could be so ignorant of life beyond the Westminster village.
"Inflation, not deflation" is a recurrent theme of this column.
That's because the Western world's response to the "credit crunch",
this orgy of wildly expansive policy using "deflation is nigh" as an
alibi, amounts to a repeated whacking of the self-destruct button.
Almost everyone outside the "political and media elite" knows this.
Amidst "deflation is upon us" warnings from this elite, UK CPI
inflation went up last month - to 3.2pc. CPI understates true
inflation. But even CPI is above the Bank of England's target - and
has been for 17 months.
So if I'm the only one worried, why is Mervyn King writing repeated
letters acknowledging inflation is too high?
Sterling is down a third in 18 months. Import prices are soaring. The
UK's monetary base is doubling.
"Broad" M4 money is expanding at 16pc a year. Food price inflation is
8pc, with double-digit producer price inflation too - as the credit
crunch destroys supply chains.
Warren Buffett, the most successful living investor, foresees an
"inflation onslaught". Peter Brabeck, the Nestlé chairman and one of
the world's top businessmen, says "Now the printing machine is
starting, this is the start of inflation."
China and other major creditors are rightly concerned Western
governments - particularly the US and UK - want to inflate away their
sovereign debts.
That's why the "bond vigilantes" are stirring and we could very soon
face a gilts strike.
If I'm the only one worried about inflation, why is the price of gold
so high, with the price of commodities also up sharply - even though
the global demand outlook is weak?
If I'm the only one worried about inflation, why does the latest
report of the Bank of England's pension scheme show it recently
changed its allocation of index-linked instruments - the ultimate
anti-inflation hedge - from 25pc to more than 70pc of its portfolio?
Am I the only one worried? I so wish that was true. We face an
inflation tsunami. And the longer politicians deny it, the worse the
inevitable backlash will be.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio