Seismologist Was Forced to Remove Italy Earthquake Warning From the Internet 'After an earthquake in the Abruzzo region of Italy killed at least 100 people, a local scientist is demanding an apology from authorities and saying that he was forced to take his warnings off the Internet. A week ago, Gioacchino Giuliani (some news reports are calling him Giampaolo Giuliani), a seismologist at the nearby Gran Sasso National Laboratory, predicted that a large quake could occur soon after several small tremors. According to Reuters, his warning prompted vans with loudspeakers telling residents to leave their homes. Authorities, however, told locals that the tremors were not unusual, accused Mr. Giuliani of "spreading alarm" and forced him to take his findings off the Internet.' Congresswoman Bachmann: Obama Wants 'Re-Education' Camps For Young People 'Appearing on Minnesota radio station KTLK-AM, the Republican congresswoman expressed her concern that White House was trying to put in place "re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward." Furthering the Obama-as-autocrat theme, Bachmann said the youngsters would "then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums".' The Psychiatrists Who Programmed the Sleepers are Being Killed 'Over a week ago one of my sources told me that the psychiatrists who programmed Sleepers are being hunted down and killed. It's being done like this because the psychiatrists are easier to find than are their victims. A programmed sleeper needs timely "recall visits" to keep the program in place. If there is no programmer around to keep these people in their programs, a number of things might happen. Some people will wake up, as if they have been a victim of amnesia. They will remember their "other" life and they will try to return to it and to the people they once loved. The example above is one of the tragic, but sometimes heartwarming cases where a long lost child returns home with a new family. Sadly, sometimes the long lost spouse returns home only to find that his/her former spouse has remarried and is in love with someone else. The examples above are NOT the norm. What usually happens if a programmed sleeper is no longer kept in his program? They start to destruct.' Geithner's Oligarchs The US Becoming a 'Banana Republic' 'Just as in emerging-market crises, the weakness in the banking system has quickly rippled out into the rest of the economy, causing a severe economic contraction and hardship for millions of people. But there's a deeper and more disturbing similarity: elite business interests-financiers, in the case of the U.S.-played a central role in creating the crisis, making ever-larger gambles, with the implicit backing of the government, until the inevitable collapse. More alarming, they are now using their influence to prevent precisely the sorts of reforms that are needed, and fast, to pull the economy out of its nosedive. The government seems helpless, or unwilling, to act against them.' Darkness Renewed: Terror as a Tool of Empire 'Here's a purely hypothetical scenario. Let's say you were a dedicated imperial militarist who believed that your country's security, prestige and financial interests could best be served by war and the ever-present threat of war. Let's say you had some really hot and juicy operations going on, endless deadly conflicts that were pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into your war machine and entrenching national policy even more deeply in the militarist philosophy - the machtpolitik - that you believe in. But there's a problem. The general public - the cow-like herd out there that doesn't understand grand strategy the way you and your fellow elites do - is growing weary, and wary, of your Long War. The national treasury is bankrupt, the national infrastructure is rotting, the nation's communities are dying; millions of people are out of work, losing their homes, losing their dreams, spiraling down into want, privation and despair. Yet you have big plans to escalate the war, expand your war machine, and maintain the global dominance that you believe is the right and natural role for your special nation - and its elites. What to do? How to galvanize the truculent, self-absorbed herd into enthusiastically supporting your vital agenda once more? The Two Faces of Barack Obama 'The news from Europe, if you listen to our infatuated media, is that the Euros love President Obama: according to the American reportage, his recent trip there was a cavalcade of photo-ops, cheering crowds, and hugs from the queen of England. Even the French were in awe of him! However, if you look beneath the surface, not that far beneath the gloss and the glam there runs a current of irritation, and, dare I say it, resentment' Bush and Obama Administrations Broke the Law By Refusing to Close Insolvent Banks 'Geithner's statements that he didn't have the power to close down the big banks is false. Moreover, Geithner and Paulson actually broke the law which requires the government to close down insolvent banks, no matter how big. The Prompt Corrective Action Law (PCA) - not only authorizes the government to seize insolvent banks, it mandates it.'Tuesday, 07 April 2009 Tuesday, 07 April 2009 Tuesday, 07 April 2009 Tuesday, 07 April 2009 Tuesday, 07 April 2009 One for the masses, one for the power elite
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
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Britannia Radio