Slowly the "event" gets analysed. The normally pro-Labour BBC at 6
o'clock (Anchorman + Stephanie Flanders + Nick Robinson) all tore
into the dreadful report that Darling had given the nation,
disbelieving the forecasts and now Liam Haligan's verdict - "What a
fiasco". I recommend this except for one importanrtt point which is
his conclusion and which shows that even he does not appreciate the
rules of the political game!
TELEGRAPH 22.4.09 (online) - ? 23.4.09 print ?)
The lesson from Budget 2009 is that our politicians are blind to
Britain's financial risks
What a fiasco! I've hurled some pretty lurid abuse at this
government's economic stewardship in recent years - and long issued
dire warnings about the dangers of Gordon Brown's reckless spending.
By Liam Halligan
But having just watched Alistair Darling's Budget, I'm going to have
to come up with a whole new vocabulary.
It's difficult to put into words the extent of the meltdown in the
UK's public finances. During his 2008 budget, Darling said the UK
would borrow a total of £70bn during the two financial years 2009/10
and 2010/11. Today we learnt £348bn of new debts will be racked-up on
our behalf over that period - a jaw-dropping five-fold increase on
the financing needs the Chancellor announced just twelve months ago.
Between now and 2013/14, in fact, the UK government will now be
looking for no less than £703bn of debt-finance, rather than the
£434bn estimate Darling made at the time of his Pre-budget report in
That's an astonishing £30,000 of extra borrowing for every UK
household - all of which will be have to paid back from future taxation.
This is government profligacy on a quite simply unprecedented scale -
a disgraceful, morally repugnant raid on our children and
grandchildren. Yet it's highly likely that even these blood-curdling
borrowing forecasts will turn out to be under-estimates.
One reason is that Darling's has made some extremely rosy assumptions
about future UK growth. While he admitted our economy will contract
by 3.5pc this year, the Chancellor foresees a return to growth of
1.25pc in 2010, with the economy booming once more soon after,
expanding by 3.25pc in 2011.
These estimates are pie-in-the-sky. Most economists think the UK will
contract next year too. And I know not a single forecaster outside
the Treasury betting on growth above 3pc the year after.
Darling is relying on the UK rapidly returning to the same underlying
trend growth rate we've seen over the last decade - when, as we now
know, the economy was driven by an unsustainable combination of high-
debts, ever-rising house prices and endless mortgage equity withdrawal.
So when growth turns out to be lower than Darling foresees, the UK's
borrowing needs will spiral even higher. However many (more) school
playing fields this government sells-off, it won't raise the £16bn
penciled in from "asset sales". The fabled "Whitehall efficiency
savings" won't materialize - they never do.
For all these reasons, today's truly ghastly borrowing totals should
be seen as an absolute minimum estimate of the extra debts the
government will take on. The strong probability is these numbers will
go much higher - because that's been the pattern in each and every
New Labour budget since 2001.
As I wrote in last weekend's Sunday Telegraph, the truth is that
Darling is now an irrelevance. Don't misunderstand me - the
disastrous public finances he just unveiled matter hugely and will
cast a pall over the UK political and economic landscape for several
decades hence. But, barring a political earthquake, Darling and Co.
won't be around to sort out the mess.
Following a general election in 12-18 months' time, it's the Tories
who'll be attempting to issue a colossal £700bn of UK sovereign debt
(and counting) between now and 2014.
"Attempting" because, as I've been warning for months, the next half-
decade or so will make or break the UK's credibility on international
debt markets. Over that period - just as many other recession-hit
Western nations are flogging large bundles of sovereign paper - this
country is set to borrow a higher multiple of its reserves, and a
higher share of its GDP, than any other nation on earth.
Between now and 2012, our demography also turns nasty - as the baby-
boomers start retiring in earnest. That would have strained our
public finances even without New Labour's spending orgy of recent
months and years.
A sovereign downgrade now looms. After today's disastrous borrowing
numbers, anyone who doesn't understand that either doesn't have the
first clue about global debt markets or is being willfully blind to
the scale of the problem we face.
That's why - there is no other way to say this - I found David
Cameron's response to the Chancellor even more worrying that the
statement made by Darling himself. [I feel I must interpolate here
the traditional role of the Leader of the Opposition on Budget Day.
It is his job to deal briefly with the overall financial competence
of the government while leaving the opposition's view of the Budget
itself to the shadow chancellor who will have had time to study the
actual figures with his team. To criticise from ignorance would be
plain silly. That means we must wait until tomorrow and see if
Osborne is equal to the task. I wait with bated breath - but, I
admit, with little confidence -cs]
Cameron, as he keeps saying, "is the future". The really alarming
thing about today is that we heard nothing to suggest the Tory leader
has even grasped the perilous financial dangers the UK now faces, let
alone worked out a plan to steer us away from the precipice.
Last year, institutional investors began dumping UK government debt.
In recent weeks, several gilt auctions have been under-subscribed.
Following today's budget, gilt prices slumped further as yields
spiked - with creditors demanding ever-higher risk premiums to lend
our feckless politicians cash.
Buried in the budget fine print was the revelation that the
government will actually try to flog £240bn of gilts over the coming
year and another £22bn of short-term debt on top of that. That's some
75pc above an official estimate released only a few weeks ago.
Faced with such scandalous mis-management, the Tories need to grasp
the situation by the neck and do everything possible to reassure
international debt markets the UK will soon by run by somebody who
can actually add up.
Yet Cameron utterly failed today to do anything of the sort. There
was no credible plans showing how the Tories will rein in the UK's
sprawling state - or even a convincing statement they understand the
need to do so.
There was absolutely no Tory attempt to start the necessary process
of building political support for the austerity measures this country
will soon have to if it is to avoid the ignominy not only of a
sovereign down-grade, but an IMF bail-out.
Faced with the chance of a life-time, an opportunity to truly make
the political weather, Cameron took the easy route and relied on
slogans and cheap pot-shots - making a speech that lacked even the
pretence of economic coherence.
His ever-growing cadre of spin-doctors are no doubt telling him all
he needs to do is say nothing, avoid frightening the horses, and
he'll soon become Prime Minister. Yes - but Prime Minister of what?
Lamont: Spending cuts can't be avoided.
17:40 | 22/04/2009
Lord Lamont, former Tory Chancellor
BBC News
Lord Lamont said he was "shocked and numbed" by the Budget borrowing
figures and predicted cuts in public spending would have to be made.
"I was shocked and numbed when the borrowing figures came out, and
they went on for years.
"My real fear is that these figures will prove over optimistic.
Growth could be sluggish for a few years and borrowing higher. Tough
decisions of the like we have not seen for decades will have to be
made," he said.
Asked if that meant cuts in public spending, he said: "I do not think
they can be avoided. This did not sound or feel like an austerity
budget. He would have been better off being tougher on spending.
"David Cameron and colleagues have shifter their position and
recognise the gravity of the situation," he said.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
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Britannia Radio