Smeargate Brings Labour Poll Collapse - Mail on Sunday
Labour Needs Psychotherapy - Catherine Bennet
Jacqui Exposed - Gerald Scarfe
The Rise of the Sleaze-ocrats - Peter Oborne
Alice Mahon Quits Labour Over Smeargate - Times
Prezza: Labour’s Online Leader - Times
Shami Chakrabarti Target of Police Search - Times
Cable Accidentally Reveals Whistleblower Details - Iain Dale
Guido is Not as Daring or Clever as Me - Steve Richards
Jacqui Smith’s Responsibility for this Outrage - David Davis
How It All Went Wrong for Derek and Kate - Marina Hyde
“Sorry” is Gordon’s Hardest Word - Simon Carr
Lobby Cowardice Let McBride Poison - Times
Downing Street in ‘Meltdown’ - PR Week
Guido : My Notebook - Spectator
Smears: A Pattern of Behaviour - Comment Central
Guido - The Movie - Newsnight
SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2009
Off for a Picnic
Guido is off for a picnic in the sunshine, when he gets back he will be shining a light into Labour HQ’s links to Red Rag. Will also try and jog the memory of Guido’s drinking buddy, Kevin Maguire.
Will however give co-conspirators something to pass the time. Some months ago on a Wednesday afternoon after PMQs, Guido found himself in the Westminster Arms ordering a pint of Guinness. As you do. He turned around to see Kevin Maguire and Damian McBride in the corner. Maguire spotted Guido - yes those red pants are a bit of a giveaway - Kevin motioned to Damian in Guido’s direction. Guido returned to his stout and checked his email at the bar.
A minute later someone jostled his left arm, spilling Guinness. Guido turned to see a bloated Damian McBride, tenner in hand, looking straight ahead and studiously ignoring him in a definitely-not-apologising manner. So do you punch the Prime Minister’s spin doctor in the face there and then, or given you are a Guinness drinker, take your time over getting revenge? “Good things come to those who wait.”