Sunday, April 05, 2009
US 'Hopes' North Korea Will Free Hostages
Click here for the AP story.
North Korea is using the two captured journalists--American citizens--to deter the United States from seriously seeking to punish the Stalinist/Kimist regime for its illegal ballistic missile test.
The U.S. is basically reduced to hoping and begging.
The hostages, who were grabbed on the Chinese side of the China-North Korea border, face 10 years of hard labor in a North Korean concentration camp.
The liberal media have been noticeably quiet about the plight of the two reporters.
China Confidential expects that Iran will eventually nab Americans or Europeans to use as hostages to deter an Israeli attack on its nuclear and missile sites.US Downplaying of NK Missile Test Starts at the Top
By Andre Pachter
The fix is in. U.S. downplaying of the North Korean missile test has begun--at the very top.
Reacting to the North Korean Taepodong-2 test, President Barack Obama said: "North Korea broke the rules, once again, by testing a rocket that could be used for long-range missiles."
Obama is a masterful wordsmith, skilled at seemingly talking tough while signaling a willingness to compromise. North Korea "broke the rules," alright--its launch was a clear violation of a 2006 United Nations Security Council resolution--by testing a long-range ballistic missile.
The President's careful wording was a sign of things to come: appeasement and accommodation, submission to North Korea--disguised as diplomacy--and deference to China, North Korea's most important ally and America's biggest banker.
It will become increasingly clear in the coming weeks and months that Obama is better suited for beating up on General Motors than dealing with vicious foreign enemies. [EDITOR'S NOTE: MSNBC's lunatic liberal TV anchor, Chris Matthews, last week gave Obama an on-air "Hardball Award" for firing GM's failed CEO, Rick Wagoner, comparing the action to Winston Churchill's bombing of French naval vessels following France's surrender to Nazi Germany in order to prevent the ships from falling into enemy hands. Matthews, who nightly gushes over the new President's style and charisma, will surely have a lot to say about his handling of the North Korean issue. On Sunday, Matthews' colleague, David Gregory, host of NBC-TV's Meet the Press, followed suit by firing a volley of hard questions at Wagoner's replacement, Rick Henderson, and then spoon-feeding cream-puff questions about the North Korean outrage to a panel of like-minded liberal journalists, including a BBC correspondent, who sought to diminish the significance of the missile test by comparing North Korea to her attention-seeking, three-year-old child. Casting North Korea as a temper-tantrum throwing preschooler or a misunderstood juvenile delinquent is a common liberal practice.]
Ironically, Pyongyang upstaged Obama's call in Prague for a nuclear weapons-free world. The President said the North Korean launch proved the need for nations to come together to stop the spread of nuclear weapons and to eliminate those that already exist.
Actually, the launch of a missile capable of striking Japan and North America proved the folly of appeasing totalitarian powers bent on overthrowing the status quo. The stalled and flawed six-party talks for ending North Korea's nuclear program provided Pyongyang with time to make major advances in nuclear and missile technologies, and to share the knowledge and knowhow with the regime's Islamist ally, Iran, which is violating at least four resolutions with its nuclear program.
Obama's Diplomacy
Obama's diplomatic surge toward Tehran will accelerate the Iranian nuclear threat. Washington is giving the monstrous mullahocracy time to achieve its strategic objective: mass production of nuclear weapons.
China Confidential has learned that Iranian experts who observed the launch arrived in North Korea in early March. (China Confidential broke the Iranian delegation story.)
Meanwhile, North Korea will go unpunished and go on proliferating. So will Iran, which aims to establish a missile base in its terrorist protectorate, Hamas-ruled Gaza. Iran aims to annihilate Israel by attacking it with nuclear weapons and/or providing its proxies with a nuclear shield in order to bombard the Jewish State with ballistic missiles from Gaza in the south and Hezbollah-dominated Lebanon in the north. Cooperation with North Korea, which has helped Iran to develop concealed, sea-based, ballistic missile launch systems that turn seemingly civilian cargo ships into deadly warships, is critically important to Iran's ongoing effort.
Both partners in nuclear/missile crime use space exploration to cover their ICBM programs.
North Korea claims the Taepodong-2 put a communications satellite into orbit. But the United States Northern Command issued a statement that the North Korean missile flew over Japan, with its payload landing in the Pacific Ocean.
“No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan,” the assessment said.
The bottom line: China's vassal, nuclear-armed North Korea, an ally of nuclear-arming Iran, defied the U.S., Japan, and South Korea and the so-called international community by launching a ballistic missile over Japanese air space.
China Confidential analysts expect the North to fire more missiles of various ranges in the coming months and, quite possibly, to again test the Obama administration by testing another nuclear device. The administration is committed to a policy of appeasement toward America's most dangerous, implacable foes.
Fawning, liberal media outlets, which have anointed Obama as America's Savior-in-Chief, are complicit in the appeasement. The emerging liberal line is that the real threat to world peace is neither Iran nor North Korea, but possible U.S. "overreaction," to use the Chinese term, and ... incredibly ... Israel. Its apparent willingness to end the Iranian nuclear menace before it ends Israel is dangerously aggressive, according to the appeasement camp.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
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Britannia Radio