Sunday, April 05, 2009
Venezuela to Develop Iranian Oil Fields
Three decades ago, during the catastrophic Carter administration, this reporter and other analysts argued in vain for a Western Hemisphere energy alliance, uniting the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Venezuela.
Today, Venezuela is led by a rabidly anti-American, left-wing demagogue allied with Islamist Iran. Xinhua reports on his landmark visit to Iran ... and plans to develop the country's oil fields. Click here for the story.Appeasement of Iran, Abandonment of Israel
By Andre Pachter
During the Second World War, a prominent neutral diplomat asked a member of Nazi Germany's General Staff: "What will you do if you lose?"
The German officer replied: "We will organize sympathy."
Today's clerical fascist foe--Hitlerian radical Islam, or Islamism--has not lost its world war. On the contrary, right-wing political Islam--ironically supported by the international Left--seems to be winning. Still, the global Islamist movement is not taking any chances. It is organizing sympathy in ways that would turn the faces of Nazi brown-shirts green with envy.
Influenced by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his former National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Barack Obama is apparently obsessed with apologizing to "the Muslim world"--and to the world in general--for alleged American sins. His administration, backed by America-bashing, liberal media, seems bent on appeasing Islamist Iran and its proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, and arch rival, Saudi Arabia, and its creation, the Taliban, and abandoning America's only ally in the Middle East--and the region's only democracy--Israel.
The outlines of the new liberal line are emerging: the Iranian mullahocracy can be contained, successfully appeased in order to prevent it from actually manufacturing nuclear weapons; Iran's alliance with nuclear-armed, missile-mad North Korea is not so significant; and the real threats to world peace are America itself, meaning, its so-called tendency to overreact to aggression and provocation (hence, the Obama administration's apologies for alleged American arrogance), and, of course, Israel, which, to the consternation of its enemies, insists on defending itself against those who plot and plan its destruction.
The Candidate of Change is living up to his promise. Uncharted waters ahead....
POSTSCRIPT: Abandonment of Europe and secular forces in Turkey.... Ahead of his arrival in still secular but steadily Islamizing Turkey, Obama made controversial comments in Prague that confirm our analysis (scroll for last night's story): his address to the country's parliament will embolden Islamists and undermine the Turkish military, traditional guardian of the country's secular system. Kerstin Gemhlich and Mark John report Obamaurged the European Union on Sunday to accept Turkey as a full member of the 27-nation bloc, in remarks rejected outright by France and met coolly by Germany.
Click here to continue.
The disagreement was a rare outward sign of divergence at an EU-U.S. summit stage-managed to relaunch transatlantic ties that were strained under the Bush administration and which both sides are now eager to mend.
"The United States and Europe must approach Muslims as our friends, neighbors and partners in fighting injustice, intolerance and violence, forging a relationship based on mutual respect and mutual interests," Obama told the summit.
"Moving forward toward Turkish membership in the EU would be an important signal of your (EU) commitment to this agenda and ensure that we continue to anchor Turkey firmly in Europe," he told EU leaders.If an American President Bows to a Foreign Tyrant, and the Awful Event is Captured by Video and Still Cameras but Ignored by the Media, Did it Happen?
The Obama bow photo appears below.
Click below to view the Obama bow video. It occurs about 50 seconds into the segment.
Atlas Shrugs broke the story. China Confidential and other blogs picked it up. But mainstream media, including Fox News Channel, have ignored it. Why?
The American people have a right to know.
UPDATE: The Hill descends into a valley of liberal spin.... The Washington, DC-based website has referenced the Obama Bow. Recapping the President's excellent European adventure, Bridget Johnson writes:His few stumbles included giving the queen an iPod on the heels of widespread mockery over his earlier gift of a DVD set to Brown, and appearing to bow upon shaking hands with Saudi King Abdullah, an image that has had right-wing blogs on fire since the summit's conclusion.
Appearing to bow? Is she kidding or visually impaired? The bow is deep and unmistakable, unprecedented for an American President--Americans don't bow to foreign monarchs--and downright disgusting.US Voters Back Using Force Against NK Nuke Threat
One morning, just like 9/11, there’s going to be a disaster. I have yet to see the United Nations do anything effective with either Iran or North Korea.
- Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, commenting on America's failure to stop Iran and North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
A majority of U.S. voters across age, gender, and political party lines support use of military force to end the North Korean nuclear threat. Click here for the story.
Monday, 6 April 2009
It is Day 4 of the Obama Bow Media Blackout.
Posted by
Britannia Radio