Tuesday, 28 April 2009

swine flu alerts and updates

Is Swine Flu A Biological Weapon?
There are some factors that suggest the swine flu killing people in Mexico may be a biological weapon, but obviously no such conclusion can be drawn at this time. The World Health Organization and the U.S. government have been quick to deny such claims.

Swine Flu Could Become More Dangerous
The swine flu virus that has killed more than 80 people in Mexico may mutate into a “more dangerous” strain, the World Health Organisation has warned.

• Swine flu ‘debacle’ of 1976 is recalled
China bans pork imports from Mexico, parts of US
Swine flu death toll exceeds 100 as pandemic fears grow 
• Americans told to wear masks as swine flu spreads round globe
• Flashback: Panasonic to Fly Home Workers’ Families “Well Ahead of Possible Confusion at the Outbreak of a Global Pandemic”

As Swine Flu Spreads, Conspiracy Theories of Laboratory Origins Abound
Perhaps due to the genetic makeup of the fast-spreading H1N1 strain of influenza — which includes genetic elements from bird flu, swine flu and human flu spanning three continents — there is considerable speculation that the origins of this virus are man-made.

 Swine Flu Psy Op

Baxter To Develop Swine Flu Vaccine Despite Bird Flu Scandal
A U.S. based pharmaceutical company that just weeks ago was involved in a scandal involving vaccines tainted with deadly avian flu virus has been chosen to head up efforts to produce a vaccine for the Mexican swine flu that has seemingly migrated into the U.S. and Europe. 

Flu Pandemic Hype: Another Pretext for World Government
During the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Summit in Montebello, Canada in 2005, the “three amigos” (Bush, Harper and Calderon) released “North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza,” described as a “collaborative North American approach that recognizes that controlling the spread of avian influenza or a novel strain of human influenza, with minimal economic disruption, is in the best interest of all three countries.” 

 Worse Than The Great Depression... Hyperinflation Is Coming! Own Gold & Silver! Real Money-Real Protection!
 ‘Obama Host Died From Swine Flu’ Story Apparently Fake

Swine Flu Vaccines: Dr. Ron Paul In 1976
In the book Swine Flu Expose, a book by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D., from 1976, Dr. Ron Paul calls the Swine Flu Vaccination Program (which was a deadly failure), “a shocking misuse of funds …and an evil political maneuver”. Dr. Paul continues “blatant advertising efforts to panic the people into taking Swine Flu shots will fail.”

 Ret. Army General Russell Honoré On CNN: Did Swine Flu Come Out Of a Lab?

Flu fears dampen talk of tentative world recovery
Fears that any tentative green shoots in the global economy could be trampled by a deadly outbreak of swine flu put markets on edge on Monday, after world policymakers said over the weekend that a recovery could begin later this year but plenty of downside risk remained.

 Stocks, Grains, Peso Drop on Swine Flu; Treasuries, Yen Gain
Swine Flu and Martial Law 

April 14-15: FEMA’s Interagency Continuity Influenza Pandemic Tabletop Exercise
Most people recognize the value of a fire drill. Adults and children alike recognize the usual fire drill steps include evacuating the building and reaching a pre-designated spot.