Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Tax Day Tea Parties Spreading Across Oregon
“People all over American and Oregon are angry and afraid. They’re scared about what’s happening to America’s freedom and economy, and they’re willing to get out and do something about it on April 15,” Kropf said. “We’re diligently working to channel that anger, frustration and fear into a positive direction through asking these people to come be part of our organization and join one of our local or state chapters.”.......
by NWV News

Kansas Governor Must Veto Bill That Endangers Milk Safety
Growth hormones are created in the pituitary gland. Back in the 1930s, they discovered that injecting cows with their own pituitary extracts boosted milk production. But the process was too expensive and not commercially viable­until genetic engineering came along. Monsanto scientists took the cow gene that creates growth hormones, altered it, and inserted it into E. coli bacteria to create a living drug factory.......
by Jeffrey Smith

IMF will create global money of the NWO
It is important to understand the ramifications of what transpired in London. While the national media in the United States reported that President Barack Obama's visit to the G-20 was a success, it was successful only if you think Jimmy Carter's stint in the White House was a success. Obama, who envisioned his trip to the G-20 as the reincarnation of FDR's dominance over Europe's leaders actually rebirthed the inefficaciousness of Carter. The community activist is simply not up to the task of leading a nation let alone believably affirming his role as the leader of the free world........
by Jon Christian Ryter

It Isn't Capitalism, It's Greed
What we have is a bunch of greedy people who we, the people, have elected to office. Keep in mind that Adam Smith who created the capitalist system (just as Kark Marx created the socialist and communist systems that redistribute wealth) said that capitalism was a profit-motivated form of economics. He made it very clear that when greed became the driving factor behind an economy, it was not capitalism at work. It was greed........
by Marilyn Barnewall