Telegraph Behaved Reprehensibly - Telegraph
Guido Vs Dolly - Toby Young
Watson : I’m Too Smart To Use Email - Times
Missing Spin-Doctor: Can You Help? - Dizzy
Prime Minister “Surrounded by Idiots” - Times
Draper is a Duplicitous, Power-Mad Fool - Alex Hilton
McBride and Prejudice - Sun
Smear Tactics Could Cost Labour Election - Guardian
Labour: The Wages of Spin - Guardian
Save Derek Draper - James Delingpole
Telegraph Has Behaved Terribly Over Smeargate - Telegraph
Jacqui Gets Blue Plaque" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-decoration: none; color: rgb(51, 68, 119); ">Because She’s Worth It :
Jacqui Gets Blue Plaque
Photo credit : www.DontPanicOnline.com
MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009
So Gordon, About this Letter…
Gordon has announced he is going to write letters to all those smeared in emails from Damian McBride. Good, remember how this all started; McBride emailed Draper a text-sketch on how to smear Iain Dale as a racist. A week later on Friday, February 13, he emailed Draper again with the ammunition to smear Guido as a racist too. Alas we were not to get the more exotic dildo/vibrator fantasy stories he concocted for Tory MPs.
McBride smeared Dale and Guido by email via Draper’s website. Derek having lied about this, has belatedly admitted the truth, having denied it repeatedly live on TV to myself and Andrew Neil.
I will frame Gordon’s letter of regret for what McBride did. He is going to send one, isn’t he?