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Turkish-Syrian exercise prompts Israeli review of sophisticated arms sales to Ankara
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
April 27, 2009, 3:21 PM (GMT+02:00)

Israel's Mark 3 Chariot tank
Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak commented Monday, April 27, that Turkey's decision to hold three days of military maneuvers with Syria is "disturbing."
And that is not all. The exercise will be accompanied Monday or Tuesday by the signing of a letter of intent between Turkish defense minister Vecdi Gonul and his Syrian counterpart Hassan Turkmani for cooperation in the defense industry.
DEBKAfile's military sources report that the signing and the exercise are major landmarks on the shrinking road of military and trading ties between Turkey and Israel.
NATO member Turkey and Syria hold first joint military exercise
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 26, 2009, 5:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

Turkish tanks head for Syria
The joint Turkish-Syrian tank and armored infantry exercise backed by air power begins across the Turkish-Syrian border Monday, April 27, and lasts three days.
DEBKAfile's military sources stress that it is the first joint military maneuver any NATO member, including Turkey, has ever carried out with Syria. It appears to have received a nod from the Obama administration.
Washington's approval underscores its new policy of boosting the strength of the Syrian army as a partner in a strong three-way military coalition with Turkey and Lebanon.
UN Hariri prosecutor hands down decision on four Lebanese generals
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 27, 2009, 6:56 PM (GMT+02:00)

Hillary Clinton jumps into Lebanese thicket
Daniel Bellemare, the UN tribunal's prosecutor in the upcoming international trial handed down his decision Monday, April 27, on the fate of the four Lebanese generals jailed in Beirut on suspicion of a hand in the murder of Rafiq Hariri, former Lebanese prime minister in 2005 on the orders of Syrian military intelligence.
US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton stated in Beirut Sunday: "So I want to reassure any Lebanese citizen that the United States will never make any deal with Syria that sells out Lebanon or the Lebanese people."
WHO holds emergency session to determine swine flu pandemic potential
April 27, 2009, 7:12 PM (GMT+02:00)

Mexico City on swine flu quarantine
The World Health Organization is meeting Monday to determine the pandemic potential of the outbreak of swine flu. WHO is very concerned by the 40 cases are confirmed in the US and reach into Europe in smaller numbers. In Mexico City the death toll stands at 103 with 1,614 cases suspected.