Tourists Or Terrorists? Police Erase London Sightseers Photographs Citing Terrorism
Two Austrian tourists visiting London were forced to erase large portions of their holiday photographs by police officers who told the pair that they were duty bound to "prevent terrorism".
With recent police activity, anti-terror adverts and CCTV everywhere no wonder we’re all scared stiff
So it has now become one of the main causes of anxiety. Among all the other worries that people face - the recession, crime, hospital superbugs and terrorism - a new fear has emerged: that of the Big Brother state.
• Michigan: 16-year-old dies after police Taser shooting
Man Detained As Terror Suspect For Photographing Police Car
Despite police claiming that an ambiguous section of the UK Counter Terrorism Act of 2008 would not outlaw taking photographs or film of police, a man was detained as a terror suspect this week simply for taking a photograph of a police car in order to document police misconduct.
NSA spied on member of Congress and broke new laws, report says
An article in The New York Times detailing new violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reports that the National Security Agency has been intercepting the communications of Americans on a scale going well beyond the broad legal limits established last year by Congress.