Tuesday 14th April 2009Britain's leading conservative blog | |
Today's top ConservativeHome features
Dominic Grieve on Platform: It's the interpretation of the Human Rights Act that's the problem - not the ECHR itself
Today's other newslinks Alan Milburn, David Miliband and Ivan Lewis were all Labour victims of McBride's briefings - Dominic Lawson in The Independent The Independent: Brown has lost his reputation for good character "[Brown's] long association with Mr McBride casts aspersions on his remaining claims to public respect: the widespread belief that he takes a high-minded approach to politics and his reputation for common decency. Neither the adjustment to the code for special advisers – always an awkward presence in Whitehall – nor private letters of regret to the injured parties can undo what has been done. Character, deceptively perhaps, had been Mr Brown's strength. Now he looks like all the rest." - Independent leader Brown should be judged by the company he keeps - Robert Colvile in The Telegraph Andy McSmith: I warned them that McBride was bad news - Independent Rachel Sylvester: The bullying and laddish Brown team "It's not just Mr McBride who is the problem. There is a laddish and bullying atmosphere to the cabal of advisers and MPs surrounding Mr Brown. Small talk revolves around football. Briefings take place in pubs and karaoke bars. The alleged coup against Tony Blair was planned over balti and beers." - Rachel Sylvester in The Times Steve Richards: Suddenly Brown has fewer attacking options
Michael Brown: David Cameron will have to dispense 'nasty' economic medicine "Having spent four years shedding the image as the "nasty party", Mr Cameron is obliged to administer the nastiest economic medicine ever prescribed by any government since the Second World War." - Michael Brown in The Independent Tim Montgomerie: The new media still needs the old media but we are only at the beginning of a revolution
"In the end, the difference between quality newspapers and even serious blogs is that your default reaction to a newspaper piece should be that it is true, whereas your default reaction to a blog post should be that it might be true, but it might equally well be a pack of lies. Rather like government smear campaigns." - Stephen Pollard in The Times Red Tory Philip Blond renews his attack on supermarkets - FT Brown to timetable Iraq inquiry so that it won't report until AFTER General Election - Guardian
Nick Clegg calls for immediate meeting on MPs' pay and allowances - Independent Pay in the recession Union leaders are demanding that Labour increases the minimum wage during the recession - Telegraph Teachers are demanding a 10% pay rise, defying calls for restraint amid the recession - Telegraph The Government pressures Network Rail to reduce or cancel directors' bonuses of more than £1 million - Times ConservativeHome is four