Tuesday 7th April 2009Britain's leading conservative blog | |
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Glyn Chambers on Platform: The Conservative narrative on the economic crisis can embrace a "quinfecta" of competition, monetarism, privatisation, capitalism and law and order Times/Populus: Tory lead up to 13% Populus also found that "More than two-thirds of voters think that all or a majority of MPs abuse their expenses and allowances. Some 27 per cent say all or nearly MPs and 42 per cent think that a majority of MPs, abuse the system." Today's other newslinks No G20 bounce for Brown in Populus poll - Times | Yesterday evening's ToryDiary ...and it won't be any better for Labour by next summer "Unemployment will eventually peak at 3.2 million over the summer of 2010, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) says, a scenario which would dash any hopes that Labour could mount an election campaign on a record of having brought Britain out of the global slump." - Guardian FT and Times differ on significance of George Osborne's remarks on public sector pay
"Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT teachers' union, said Mr Osborne had shown a lack of integrity and economic credibility. She added: "Three-year pay deals were designed to bring predictability and stability to planning at school, local authority and government level. This is particularly important in the volatile economic circumstances to which he refers. It is disturbing that the Shadow Chancellor does not appear to recognise this." - Independent
The issue of public sector pay generates anger rather than the silent emotion of envy - Dominic Lawson in The Independent The Daily Mail praises Vince Cable at expense of "muttering" George Osborne
The Sun, meanwhile, uses one of George Osborne's lines... "Isn’t it a shame Gordon didn’t put a bit more aside in the good times instead of borrowing even more?" - The Sun Says Tories launch 'right to move' proposal in bid to break up council estate 'ghettoes' - Daily Mail "The Tories plan to break up sink council estates by giving tenants the “right to move”. Four million people who rent their homes will be able to DEMAND a switch — even getting a deposit to buy their own." - The Sun > Yesterday's ToryDiary: Thatcher offered a Right-to-Buy; Cameron will add a Right-to-Move William Hague responds to Barack Obama's aspiration for a nuclear free world
Tim Loughton MP talks to the Today programme about the drugging of children in care in the 1970s - BBC Edward Garnier MP talks to the Today programme about repealing the Hunting Ban - BBC Dan Hannan under scrutiny for remarks on NHS - Independent | Tom Harris MP | Video of remarks Gordon Brown now under fire for his expenses "Gordon Brown was dragged into the Westminster expenses row last night after questions were raised about his claims for more than £100,000 in second-home allowances despite having two grace-and-favour properties." - Express Michael Martin took £150,000 of luxury trips to exotic overseas locations - Telegraph Lord Mandelson is in Iraq with 23 UK companies in first post-war trade delegation - Sky "Six car bombs tore through Baghdad yesterday, killing more than 30 people and wounding at least 90, as Peter Mandelson passed through with a delegation of British businessmen to spread the message that it is safe to invest in Iraq." - Times One private school closing every fortnight as recession-struck families choose state schools - Daily Mail Charities should be charities "With confidence in politicians sinking by the hour, surely it is time for the voluntary sector to stand aside from campaigning and focus on helping the needy?" - Jill Kirby in The Times |