Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A moral crime against the climate

Homeowners who do not to take action to improve the energy efficiency of their properties should be treated as criminals, one of the country's most influential environmentalists said last night.

Dr Richard Dixon, director of WWF Scotland, believes tough measures are needed to force people to cut their use of fossil fuels and thinks governments should consider making it a crime for members of the public not to take measures such as installing cavity wall insulation.

"It's clearly a moral crime against the climate," he says.


Filling their boots …

The Financial Services Authority held three Christmas parties for its staff costing a total of more than £200,000 at the height of the banking crisis last year. The £214,159.50 bill footed by the taxpayer does not include the regulator's wholesale division of 643 staff, who organised their own departmental parties. 

The FSA was unable to break down the exact cost per head, since it did not record how many staff turned up, but if every employee attended, the price works out at £100 each. One party was held at Madame Tussauds for the operations division, a second at River, in Waterloo, for the direct report arm, and a third at Troxy, Limehouse, for the retail division. 

This was in The Daily Telegraph yesterday.

And the reason for not rising up and slaughtering them is?


A misallocation of resources

Barely a day goes by without a complaint in the media of British forces in Afghanistan being "overstretched" and, of course, under-resourced.

We have another look at this issue on Defence of the Realm.