Update from the CEO of UK plc - John Redwood
MPs Spit in Our Faces" Sunday Sleaze Round-Up - MPs Spit in Our Faces
When Guido started his campaign against troughing MPs it was an occasional thing to to do a Sunday Sleaze Round-Up. Nowadays it is difficult to keep up with so many pigs in so much s**t:
Jacqui claimed for her barbecue as well as her kitchen sink to ‘help her perform her duties as an MP’.
MPs ‘not trusted’ to review their own pay and expenses according to the Committee for Standards in Public Life.
The News of the World has done a great video which seems to come from a familiar idea:
It accompanies their story on the husband and wife champion parliamentary troughing team to match and exceed the greedy pillaging of the taxpayers done by the Wintertons - the Robinsons. They get to trough in Westminster and at the Northern Ireland Assembly to the tune of anunbelievable £600,000 a year.
MPs have even claimed for their taxes out of your taxes. Genius. They charge stamp duty to expenses.
Guido has been shouting about the Green Book Rule changes which came into force on April Fools Day - and politicians really must take us for fools. To stop all the rule breaking by MPs they came up with a clever solution. Scrap the rules! Keep on troughing…
Finally Rudi Vis MP is retiring from troughing and will no longer be on burden on the taxpayers - just as soon as we finance his retirement home on expenses. Don’t forget to collect your gold-plated index-linked pension scheme…
Sunday Sleaze Hoon Special
The Mail on Sunday has Hoon bang to rights manipulating the system to build a mortgage free property portfolio. He lived in a grace and favour apartment in Admiralty House, rented out his London home and claimed the allowance for his constituency home. In the process making hundreds of thousands in profits playing the system and clearing his mortgage. All at the expense of the taxpayer.
Classic line from the article:
When The Mail on Sunday suggested that it appeared he had made a considerable sum by ‘manipulating the system’, he replied: ‘I don’t accept that for a moment.’
Complete Hoon…
UPDATE : According to the News of the World 138 MPs rent out a property at the same time as claiming claiming a second home allowance. 138 MPs are clearly and Hoonishly manipulating the system to build a property portfolio at the taxpayer’s expense. That is how “public servants” who have never had a proper job in their lives, retire as millionaires off the backs of taxpayers.