Friday, 3 April 2009

Video: Obama’s deep bow to the Saudi king

By Michelle Malkin  •  April 2, 2009 01:36 PM

(AFP/Jim Watson)

I have expressed my disgust many times over the years with the Bush administration’s kowtowing to Saudi Arabia. That notorious image of Bush holding hands with Saudi royalty in 2005 and doing sword dances with Wahabbists in 2008 sparked outrage on both the left and the right. The hand-holding has gotten us nowhere — and in fact, has made us less secure.

So I hope all the lefties who tore into Bush over his Saudi prostration will express equal disgust with President HopeAndChange’s literal bowing and scraping to King Abdullah. When JWF sent a link to the photo with Obama bent down like a serf (further than either he or Michelle dipped for Queen Elizabeth, by the way), I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he dropped a contact lens or penny?

But no, here’s the video. Warning: Emetic alert!


Is this diplomatic protocol?

And if so, when did diplomatic protocol start mattering to Obama, anyway?!


Har. Doug Powers figured it out:

My theory is that the president was only somewhat stooped over because he was trying to show King Abdullah what was on the iPod he brought over for him as a present.

Posted in: Saudi Arabia

See what others have said

Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse any particular comment just because I let it stand. A reminder: Anyone who fails to comply with my terms of use may lose his or her posting privilege.


  1. Bush kissed up to the Saudi King, now so does Obama with this deep bow | Fire Andrea Mitchell!
  2. No Runny Eggs » Blog Archive » Barack HUSSEIN Obama bows to his master
  3. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Obama bows to Saudi king?
  4. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Obama bows to Saudi king?
  5. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Obama bows to Saudi king?
  6. The Jawa Report
  7. CIA launches Muslim recruitment drive « Creeping Sharia
  8. Video: Obama’s Back-Breaking Bow to the Saudi King | The American Pundit
  9. Obama Refuses to Bow To The Queen Of England, But Has No Problems Bowing To The King Of Saudi Arabia…
  10. Obama bows down to Saudi King - Political Forum
  11. The Amboy Times
  12. Obama-rama in Europe! The President who keeps on giving - 12 teleprompters « Jim Blazsik
  13. Obama Bows to his Arab Masters « Political Byline
  14. Did Obama check his bow to Abdullah? | The Anchoress
  15. Sandra Rose
  16. ScoopThis.Org » President Obama bows to Saudi King.
  17. Obama Bows to Saudi King » Blue Star Chronicles
  18. Obama to Saudi King, "I'll be your bitch"
  19. Is There a Lemon Law for Presidents? « Obi’s Sister
  20. Obama to Saudi King, "I'll be your bitch" - Page 3
  21. The TIW Blog » Blog Archive » Obama bowing to Saudi king
  22. The TIW Blog » Blog Archive » Obama bowing to Saudi king
  23. Jules Crittenden » Bowing, Scraping
  24. London G20 Summit Global Plan for Recovery and Reform: Plan Is Now Online « Frugal Café Blog Zone
  25. The Obamas’ Oopsies « Cinie’s World
  26. What the! President Obama bows to Saudi King « The Western Experience
  27. The Obama’s Royal Visit; Do they even like the British? « Northern Thoughts And Reflections
  28. Wizbang
  29. Obama bows down to Saudi King (updated) « No Compromise When You’re Right!
  30. Liberty Pundit
  31. Obama to Saudi King, "I'll be your bitch" - Page 4
  32. Bend Over, The Budget Is Here | America Needs Me
  33. Stealth $3.6 TRILLION Budget Passes « Red Tory v.3.0
  34. The Two Malcontents » POS Barack Hussein Obama bows down to Saudi King
  35. Tel-Chai Nation
  36. Obama goes Lewinsky | BitsBlog
  37. Barack Obama: The world loves him | flashpoint
  38. Villainous Company
  39. 8 Stages Alert! Media Matters On Gift Gate, Plus Claims iPod Was Requested By Queen : Stop The ACLU
  40. Funny/not funny. An analysis. « Lindy’s Blog: Where Mom is Always Right
  41. Was US President Bowing to a Saudi King or Did he Drop his Blackberry or was it an iPod? | Scared Monkeys
  42. Right Wing News
  43. 8 Stages Alert! Media Matters On Gift Gate, Plus Claims iPod Was Requested By Queen » Pirate’s Cove
  44. Hussein Obama bowed too low - surely code for Jihad! » The Peking Duck
  45. U.S. Presidents and Royal Protocol
  46. » Barack Hussein Obama bows to Saudi Royalty.
  47. » Barack Hussein Obama bows to Saudi Royalty.
  48. Barack Hussein Obama bows to Saudi Royalty.
  49. Down, Down, Down He Went « Quipster
  51. President Obama bows to the Saudi King - complete with palate cleanser « lookingforlissa
  52. Yes. But did he give him a toy helicopter? Or an iPod?
  53. The Right Nation
  54. Obama bows down to Saudi King - Page 15 - Political Forum

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Comment pages: « 1 2 [3]

  1. #201
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 12:11 am, RabbidSquirrelsaid:

    Basically we’re slumming it. In 6 short months America has gone from Texas Oil Baron to ‘white trash with money’ or rather ‘ghetto fabulous’.

    Its like ‘Showtime at the Apollo’ has gone global - only no one is brave enough to pull him off the stage.

  2. #202
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 12:30 am, Random63 said:

    Send this out on your email lists. Submit it to Drudge and any other media outlet you can. Flood their mailboxes so they have to show it.

    Since when does the President of United States bow to a king from another country especially a Saudi King? Watch the video and you will see him do it the
    51 second mark. He sure doesn’t bow to Queen Elizabeth later in the video. The President of my country is NOT to bow to anyone! Period!

  3. #203
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 1:40 am, chicagojedi said:

    My guess is that muslim Obama was enthused to be meeting muslim royalty. Name one thing about the anglo-saxon, western civ world that he admires, adores or supports? He’s either an atheist like most leftists or a closet muslim. Either way he’s the worst president America has ever had. He’s a republic killer.

  4. #204
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 1:52 am, drjohn said:

    How does a Saudi King hold his liquor?

    Answer: By the ears!

  5. #205
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 2:26 am, atheling said:

    No King but Jesus:

    In a 1774 report to King George, the Governor of Boston noted: “If you ask an American, who is his master? He will tell you he has none, nor any governor but Jesus Christ.” The pre-war Colonial Committees of Correspondence soon made this the American motto: “No King but King Jesus.” And this sentiment was carried over into the 1783 peace treaty with Great Britain ending that war, which begins “In the name of the most Holy and Undivided Trinity… .”

    This poseur in chief has chosen his king.

  6. #206
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 2:48 am, yohannbiimu said:

    As much as a globe-trotter BO was in his younger days, there’s no telling if heISN’T a subject of the King of Saudi Arabia. Can ANYONE tell me with all certainty WHAT BO’s citizenship is?

    If this weren’t really happening, I’d swear that it was all a nightmare, and I’d just need to wake up in order to be in America once again. The utter stupidity of it all, and the fact that so few in the media GET IT is infuriating. How long are these people going to continue making excuses for this freaking clown?

  7. #207
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 4:01 am, RetFireman said:

    Hey…weren’t there a whole bunch of Obama apologists on here the other day claiming that Obama is a Head of State and MichelleO was an American Citizen and thus they were not required to bow to the royals in Great Britain and all that other crud? You remember…they were experts in the protocol given to the Queen of England as well as the proper gifts and such to the point that they should have been instructing the Brits themselves to just “get over it” and stop being upset at the slap in the face Obama keeps giving Great Britain.

    Well, apparently the same thing does not apply when meeting with his Islamic Overlords. Holy COW!!!! He doesn’t give MichelleO and her children that much “respect”.

    And after listening to all the Liberals carry on and on ad nauseum for 8 plus years about how Bush was so chummy chummy with the Saudis, to have actually seen this buffoon fall all over himself like this…OH I am just so glad that the pictures were released. At some point in the near future, when the MSM is no longer covering up for him, these will play very well.

    I know all this has more than likely been already stated or at least pointed out, but I just could not contain myself, and just had to add my disgust with his buffoonery.

    Hey Obama…didn’t you know that it wasn’t Iraqis that bombed us on 9-11 but Saudis? Sorry…my Lib-speak is rusty.

    And speaking of Lib-speak, looks like one of our little trolls here decided to spread some SERIOUS lies about what we were talking about the other day concerning my desire to purchase a Win. 30/30 for protection. You guys are gonna love this little posting they have over at Kos where they describe me and a few others and threatening the life of the President from here. It is some of the funniest, paranoid, idiocy on that site to date. Don’t let the libel fool you. Check it out.

  8. #208
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 4:04 am, LoneRanger said:

    Obama shows his backside to the West.

  9. #209
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 4:07 am, RetFireman said:

    Can’t help but notice that not one single person other than MacBeth bowed to the House of Saud. Anyone else? No? Gee. Maybe he will get a new prayer rug out of it.

  10. #210
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 7:55 am, Leatherneck said:



  11. #211
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:03 am, McCloud9 said:

    One MUSLIM showing respect towards another MUSLIM… Go Figure.

  12. #212
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:17 am, frontierguy said:

    RetFireman, thanks for the link. Still laughing at the liberal hysteria over at kos. They would love to yank any speech that does not agree with theirs and will take anything out of context to justify it. After the Muslims get enough people in this country, they are going to go after the liberal’s freedoms. Since libs are cowards, they will sit back and take it, justify it, stop people like us from fighting it, then at least liberals will be quiet. That will be the only good thing out of it.

  13. #213
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:45 am, ErinF said:

    “Deep bow…”

    What else would you expect? He’s a freaking muslim. I doubt he’d give the Pope as much respect.

  14. #214
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:45 am, jangar said:

    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:03 am, McCloud9 said:
    One MUSLIM showing respect towards another MUSLIM… Go Figure.

    May be some truth to that…we do know he’s had practice in the past.

    Maybe he dropped a contact lens or penny?

    Doubt he’d bend over for a penny, unless it was your last one.

  15. #215
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:48 am, jangar said:

    I doubt he’d give the Pope as much respect.

    My theory is he’ll go to great lengths to avoid the pontiff.

  16. #216
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:55 am, NJ-Aviator said:

    I’ve got another theory….

    Maybe Obama thought there was a midget hiding under the King’s robe and he just wanted to be polite and say hello eye to eye.

  17. #217
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 8:59 am, jangar said:

    Maybe Obama thought there was a midget hiding under the King’s robe and he just wanted to be polite and say hello eye to eye.

    Didn’t I see that scene in The Passion Of The Christ?

  18. #218
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:20 am, chapoutier said:


    WRT #207, You know I deeply dislike you (and vice versa) but let me assure you that I had nothing to do with that, nor would I do something like that to any poster here I don’t read Kos.

    How did you happen upon it?

  19. #219
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:26 am, sonofdy said:

    RetFireman: You are honored but the kos drones hate. It shows you have done something right. BTW the weapon used on JFK was an itialian POS. Not even a 30-30 but hell the kos-drones are cluesless so whatever.

  20. #220
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:27 am, sonofdy said:

    but = by.


  21. #221
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:29 am, corona said:


    Honestly, I’m more concerned about the 663,000 Americans who have joined the legions of the unemployed. Let’s stop kidding ourselves. The depression is here.

  22. #222
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:32 am, sonofdy said:

    Didn’t you hear? obama fixed that. You must be a right wing hater and racist to say otherwise. :roll:

  23. #223
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:35 am, Ed Mahmoud abu al-Kahoul said:

    I do not believe Obama is a Muslim. He was obviously raised a Muslim, his mother only married Muslim men, his step-father took him to Friday prayers in Indonesia according to his half-sister, and he apparently can say the Muezzin’s call to prayer in perfectly accented Arabic.

    But everything suggests that since his mother dumped him on his grandparents, and his grandfather decided Obama needed a Black role model, and chose his drinking buddy (per Obama’s autobiography) and proud Communist Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s influences, mentors and role models have all been communists. Communists tend to be atheists. Now, as seen with people like Edward Said, communists feel an affinity to Muslims, because they share a common enemy, and it suits Obama’s purposes to be seen in the Muslim community as a co-religionist.

    But it is a cynical ploy, sure to be played up in the Muslim world, while the protective main-stream media will bury it in the United States.

    Yes, as a former Muslim, other Muslims might consider Obama either a Muslim or an apostate, but he is either an agnostic or an atheist, like his role models Davis, Dohrn, Ayers, Marx and Mao.

  24. #224
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:41 am, Ed Mahmoud abu al-Kahoul said:

    BTW, just a little trivia. Everyone gets hung up on the Arabic “Hussein” in the middle, but ‘Barack’ is just the Arabic version of the Hebrew name ‘Baruch’.

  25. #225
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:44 am, NJ-Aviator said:

    RetFireman… that’s some pretty over the top stuff over at the Daily $%^# Pile. Glad to see they are in a breathless clueless dither. They think any mention of a weapon for personal defense is a threat to their Lord and Ruler. Maroons…

    sonofdy… on the 30/30, that’s what I thought.

  26. #226
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:54 am, JT said:

    Those kos kids are certainly a few fries short of a happy meal. How can they interpret someone exercising their second amendment rights as a threat against the President is crazy?

    BTW requests for gun permits have exploded in my little bedroom community. Everyone thinks the 2nd amendment could be threatened.

    Which I was a firearms dealer. I’d be loving the Bamster right now.

  27. #227
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 10:01 am, sonofdy said:
  28. #228
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 10:04 am, JT said:


    Kos kids will view that post as threat. They are that stupid.

  29. #229
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 10:05 am, sonofdy said:

    F ‘em

  30. #230
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 10:21 am, JT said:


    That’s the spirit.

  31. #231
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 10:22 am, JT said:

    Wish (typo)

  32. #232
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 10:26 am, almiller said:

    Young Skywalker makes obeisance to the emperor.

  33. #233
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 11:06 am, md1964 said:

    The video is a bit deceiving..

    Truth be told.. Obama is bending over BACKWARDS….and in the end, the America Citizens will be bent over forwards… “I hear Barney Frank Approves!!!!!”

  34. #234
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 11:29 am, RetFireman said:

    I particularly enjoyed the breathless, “Someobody should call the FBI” cries. They hypocrisy of that statement alone, especially when you can scan through their comments at any time to find any number of actual OVERT threats towards Bush, Cheney, Palin, Limbaugh…even our own dear host…is simply amazing.

    As if anyone here would ever say anything of that nature. Yet my blog is still getting hits from the high schoolers over there, and will probably get more once Easter Break hits and they can spend more time on mommy’s computer.

    As I mention, I would welcome any Law Enforcement member with a warm cup of coffee and all the hospitality a law abiding citizen could offer. Considering the rate at which the Obama Administration is sending out the U.S. Marshall’s Office to anyone who speaks out against Der Fuhrer these days, it would not surprise me. I just hope they send someone I know personally already. It would save time and make the visit all the more funny and enjoyable.

    And Chap…it is too bad you waste so much energy at all in any opinion of me, for I waste none on you. Trust me.

  35. #235
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 11:35 am, chapoutier said:

    And Chap…it is too bad you waste so much energy at all in any opinion of me, for I waste none on you. Trust me.

    Oh believe me, you make it very easy to dislike you. No effort at all, really. But thanks for your concern.

  36. #236
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 11:38 am, yohannbiimu said:

    On April 3rd, 2009 at 9:35 am, Ed Mahmoud abu al-Kahoul said:

    Yes, as a former Muslim, other Muslims might consider Obama either a Muslim or an apostate, but he is either an agnostic or an atheist, like his role models Davis, Dohrn, Ayers, Marx and Mao.

    I agree with you Ed. BO doesn’t believe in anything but himself. He’s just a naive little boy with aspirations of being the most important person that has ever lived. I believe that he’s living out his life as though the whole of 6000+ years of recorded history was simply leading up to HIS advent. Mohammad and Jesus were mere players in that act of history leading up to “the One.”

  37. #237
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 11:50 am, pueblo1032 said:

    Maybe O-BOZO should read up on history… JOHN ADAMS, after the REVOLUTION, met with the KING OF ENGLAND… He did not BOW to him… HOW DISGUSTING… HOW DEGRADING, to the office of THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!

  38. #238
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 12:48 pm, RetFireman said:

    Evil often dislikes good

  39. #239
    On April 3rd, 2009 at 1:26 pm, undresiege said:

    On April 2nd, 2009 at 3:47 pm, granite said:
    On April 2nd, 2009 at 2:41 pm, chapoutier said:
    On April 2nd, 2009 at 3:11 pm, undresiege said:
    Please find and post one statement - one - where I stated that B. Hussein Obama is a muslim.

    There you go Granite. I read that as an accusing me of accusing you of accusing our POTUS of being a Muslim.

    Now, please quit playing games.
