Friday, 24 April 2009

WeatherAction News 2009 No 23 Frid April 24 -

Delta House, 175-177 Borough High Street. London SE1 1HR , Europe & World Extreme forecasts (Global button)
From Piers Corbyn +44(0)7958713320 or office above

World cooling has set-in warns astrophyicist - BBC & 'Global Warming

 apologists' challenged to end 'cover-up'

"Official data shows the world passed its peak temperatures 10 years ago, but sadly the BBC and 'Global Warming apologists' are now attempting to cover up the facts" said Piers Corbyn, 'climate realist', astrophysicist & long range weather & climate forecaster, 24 April, in response to the BBC's 'Quiet Sun baffling astronomers' report 
( ).

"In timely backing of the UK Government's £1billion Carbon budget and similar moves in the USA, the BBC and Prof Lockwood of Southampton University distort the facts in an attempt to cover-up the proven centrality of the sun in controlling world temperatures", said Piers.

"They make the ignorant and loaded claim that '...Current slight dimming of the sun was not going to reverse the rise in global temperatures caused by the burning of fossil fuels'. This is treble confusion because (1) the world is already cooling even though CO2 is rising; (2) there is no evidence that the burning of fossil fuels ever did or ever will drive world temperatures and (3) reputable and informed solar scientists know that there is a lot more to the sun's influence on the world than its dimness or brightness." (see ++ & ** below).

"It appears the BBC and Prof Lockwood hope to coax the public into believing coal burning drives climate by telling us that another discredited theory - that of solar dimming - doesn't work. This approach is disingenuous. It is astounding that such arguments as bizarre as 'It's not a dog so it must be a cat' emanate from a member of the UK Natural Environment Research Council.

"It is well known that world temperatures primarily follow the sun's magnetic cycle of 22 years, so obviously half the time temperatures will move oppositely to the 11 year cycle of tiny solar dimming and brightening. Prof Lockwood has been reminded of this fact on a number of occasions yet he is still recycling this old chestnut. With scientific leadership of this calibre what hope has the UK of clawing its way out of recession on the back of sound investment in science and technology?"

"The latest advances in Sun-Earth relations show not only the primacy of magnetic-particle links between the sun and the earth but that these are modulated by lunar effects to give the observed 60 year cycle in both world and USA temperatures. This means that the world will continue general cooling at least to 2030 (see ++). Neither the 60 year cycle, nor the 22 year cycle nor any fluctuations in world tempertaures over the last 100 years, thousand years or million years can be explained by changes in CO2. Furthermore advances in understanding of Sun-Earth magnetic and particle activity are being applied to succesfully predict dangerous weather and climate change events months and years ahead; whereas all predictions of the CO2-centred theory have failed and will continue to fail and anti-CO2 taxes and measures will never stop a single extreme weather event. The UN's Climate Change committee (the IPCC) have still failed to respond to requests from an international group of scientists to provide data evidence for the CO2 theory (see+*).

"Tragically the BBC is driven by a political agenda to propagate failed science rather than report on front-line advances in this field of key scientific and political import. The BBC and NERC boycotted the International Climate Change Conference New York 8-10 March which is a great pity because they missed sound refutations of the theory of man-made global warming and many world-class reports on scientific advance"

"One wonders if Prof Lockwood's place on the Natural Environment Research Council and the well-known opposition of its Chief Executive to 'Climate Sceptics' are not dimming his scientific faculties" queried Piers (See NERC-Register of interests )

Further Information

Next Monthly WeatherAction Press Conference Friday 1st May 12 noon at WeatherAction Offices London Bridge

++ PowerPoint & Audio of Piers Corbyn's & Other Presentations at International Climate Change Conference - section V track 1 see slide 28 for world Temperature forecast to 2030.
** Environmental Effects of Increased Carbon Dioxide:
** 13th Feb 2009 - Where's the Evidence? - Scientists Challenge Institution of Mechnical Engineers to produce evidence for CO2 driven climate Change
*+ Letter to UN Sec General 14 July 2008
Latest Britain & Ireland long range forecast:

WeatherAction NEWS 2009 No 22 Wed April 22
UK Budget "Carbon Con" should must be stopped - spend it on Council Housing instead says scientist UK Budget "Carbon Con" should must be stopped - spend it on Council Housing instead says scientist
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Sudden StratosphericWarming & world weather events NEWS RELEASE 2009 No9 (30 Jan)

Year End News release 29 Dec 2008

VIDEO Links of WeatherAction Press conf 19 Dec including video connection to Moscow