Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Iran Awash in New Oil as US Denies Access to its Oil
While the United States cuts access to its oil resources, ignores its natural gas reserves, cripples its coal industry, and rules out nuclear power, an avowed enemy, oil-rich, Islamist Iran, is about to become even richer in oil. Read about it here.
Apparently, no one told the mullahs about global warming. Like Russia, Venezuela, Brazil, and other countries, Iran is going after real energy, in contrast with the U.S., which is pursuing fake energy--in the name of "saving the planet."
Energy is the lifeblood of a nation. Cut it off, restrict its use, limit access to it, and you kill the economy.
But that is exactly what the Obama administration is doing--in the name of saving the planet.
As China Confidential warned before the election, the Democrats' anti-energy policies will make electricity and gasoline more expensive, hurt and destroy small to middle-sized businesses, and pauperize many ordinary Americans.
In the middle of the Great Recession ... in the name of saving the planet....
Obamanation!Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Biden to Israel: Submit to Iran
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is leading the charge against Israel, publicly warning the Jewish State against attacking Iranian nuclear facilities. Click here for the report.
Biden's extraordinary statement comes on the eve of the Passover holiday and on the heels of President Barack Obama's outreach to "the Muslim world," marked by a deep, submissive bow in London to the King of Saudi Arabia and Obama's ringing endorsement of Turkey's bid for membership in the European Union--an organization to which the United States does not even belong.
As if to confirm Republican warnings during the 2008 Presidential campaign, the Democratic administration is betraying Israel. By the time the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) come around, this American Jewish reporter predicts, every Jewish supporter of Israel who voted for Obama and Biden will feel compelled to examine his or her conscience.
EDITOR'S NOTE: China Confidential analysts believe that Israel's coming conflict with Iran and crisis in relations with the U.S. will be shocking and unprecedented events. The war with Iran, which could come as early as this June, will have to be won in the first six hours, not six days, because of Iran's massive retaliatory capabilities. Whether war breaks out in June or September, Washington will react sharply--against Israel. Israel's leaders must now plan for the unthinkable--coping with a hostile U.S. administration bent on appeasing Islamist Iran and Islamism in general.Chinese Info-War Units Attacking Pentagon
US Capitulates to North Korea
Proving that it is a paper tiger, the United States is effectively capitulating to nuclear-armed North Korea. The U.S. is calling for "patience" with regard to efforts to organize a unified response in the United Nations Security Council to the Stalinist/Kimist country's illegal ICBM test.
Obama Administration spinners say the U.S. emphasis is on an appropriate, rather than a speedy, response.
Fact is, the U.N. Security Council convened on Sunday, within hours of the North Korean test, which violated a 2006 Security Council resolution. But the full council has not reconvened for action because Russia, China and some other members of the 15-nation panel are resisting calls for tightening sanctions on the missile-mad, Chinese vassal.
And Washington, afraid of doing anything that could possibly trigger a new Korean war--and endanger the safety of two American hostages in North Korea--is softening its stance.
At a U.S. State Department press conference with New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton advised patience on the issue, saying that while 72 hours without action may seem like a long time for television news, it is not a long time in international relations or in the affairs of the Security Council.
State Department Acting Spokesman Robert Wood sounded a similar theme, telling reporters that the u.S. is seeking a proper response on a complicated matter.
North Korea's launch of the three-stage missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to Alaska or Hawaii was a clear violation of Security Council resolution 1718, which was adopted unanimously in 2006 after North Korea's underground nuclear explosion. The resolution demanded an end to North Korea's nuclear and missile tests.
U.S. diplomacy has played into Pyongyang's hands; the next beneficiary of U.S. appeasement and accommodation will be North Korea's nuclear-arming, Islamist ally, Iran.China Confidential TV: Jackie's Shinjuku Incident
Iran Satisfied with North Korean Rocket Results
China Confidential analysts say Iranian experts who attended and aided North Korea's ICBM test are satisfied with the results.
Nuclear/missile cooperation between the Islamist and Stalinist/Kimist countries will continue; the relationship, which often resembles that of an exhibition wrestling tag team, will strengthen.
The United States is cooperating in its way. Washington will agree to watered-down condemnations of North Korea for violating a 2006 United Nations resolution that prohibits Pyongyang from participating in ballistic missile activities. The U.S. will also go along with dragged-out diplomacy with Iran, which, by definition, will provide it with the time it needs to make major advances in both its nuclear and missile programs.Busted: China-Iran Nuclear Smuggling Plot
The Manhattan District Attorney has accused a Chinese national of using unwitting banks to smuggle nuclear materials to Iran. Click here for the story.
The Obama administration, in the meantime, is stepping up its diplomatic surge toward Islamist Iran and Islamism in general, a policy shift that will guarantee that Iran has enough time to mass produce nuclear weapons. The monstrous mullahocracy, which sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah, already possesses the materials, technology, and knowhow to make at least one atomic bomb.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
The U.S. defense department is spending tens of millions of dollars to defend itself against Chinese cyber-assaults. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio