What Happened to American Sovereignty at G-20?
Like most things it covers, the press appears committed to keeping Americans entertained rather than informed – and far too many Americans appear to like it that way. They enjoy being uninformed. It’s so much more fun to live life unaware that the world you are leaving your children will enslave them to perpetual debt – depending on your age, possibly.......
By Marilyn Barnewall
Cyber-Security Legislation Has Origins In 'Summits Of The Americas'
I believe this legislation to be a framework for future, more invasive legislation. It is a first step to the loss of internet privacy, free speech and the free flow of information. From the same people that would re-instate the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ and continue ‘Hate Crimes’ legislation, what begins as a tool to protect, has the ability to morph into a weapon to silence and control........
By CJ Graham
Is US at fault that Mexico is awash in weapons?
It’s been confidently reported, as of late, that the U.S. is the source of 90% of all the weapons utilized in Mexican crime. This has become a dogma, repeated by no less than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others . It’s an impressive-sounding statistic, but is it true ? In a word, no. It’s not correct. The 90% figure was originally based upon a misunderstanding and thereafter has been constantly repeated in the media and political world........
By Allan Wall
Tea Parties: An over the top success
Yesterday, the nation started its wake up call and millions met, peacefully at thousands of Tea Parties. I spoke at the one in Spokane Wa, where there was 3-5000 there alone. We were all fed up to our gills and done being just angry while watching our Government violate our constitution, tax us to death, steal from future generations and continue to march against.......
By Laurie Roth
Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government
It was 2:AM when suddenly I sat straight up in bed. A moment earlier during REM sleep (rapid eye movement) when most dreams or “night visions” occur, a last piece of an important puzzle had fallen into place, shaking me from slumber........
by Thomas Horn
Saturday, 18 April 2009
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Britannia Radio