Thursday, 23 April 2009
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY April 22, 2009 NEW Email: Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear the archives of & jewishindy.
by Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Mid East analyst & commentator
Congresswoman Jane Harmon, (D.CA.) fell into the Bush-Rice-FBI sting against AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) which was designed to shut down AIPAC and its influence on Congress. AIPAC presented a problem to several Administrations who had unusually friendly, lucrative, business contacts with Muslim Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, among others.
AIPAC, representing Israel is an ‘irritant’ to certain American vested interests because they have proven that they can effectively lobby Congress to stop especially bad deals arranged between the U.S. State Department and the Muslim Arabs.
Certain individuals in the State Department and the FBI hated Jews generally and Israel in particular. This individual was reported in various articles by name. He was delighted to participate in the Bush-Rice scheme to entrap AIPAC over the exchange of information every reporter in Washington counts on to convey their stories.
The White House and the State Department use this ‘back-channel’ with many reporters and nations to convey ideas and proposals. The Media is furious that the ‘trick’ to entrap and silence AIPAC will now also apply to all investigative journalists.
The Bush-Rice-FBI sting to silence AIPAC and make it ‘obedient’ to Washington Arabist politicians has come back to bite them in the behind. In the coming Court Hearings sometime in June, the Government will attempt to try the case out of the public eye. They will use the same trick that then VP George Herbert Walker Bush used to deny his involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair calling it a matter of National Security.
If Rice-Bush-and the FBI are questioned in the public arena under oath, the testimony will likely reveal the animus of the Administration then and now against AIPAC to shut them up.
As for the NSC (National Security Council) wire-tapping Congresswoman Jan Harmon that too will further display the arrogance of that Administration in wire-tapping even the Congress.
One recalls the infamous FBI files kept by J. Edgar Hoover on Congressmen whom he black-mailed to do as he ordered.
I wonder how many illegal wiretaps are presently on Congressional phones?
The next phase of burying Israel belongs to Obama’s large team of Arabists. The schedule will be to continue silencing AIPAC and the America Jewish community. If Israel is to dismembered to accommodate the Arab Muslims oil nations and Terrorists, Jews must be frightened into silence - no matter what Obama does to Israel.
The end goal for the State Department and Washington Arabists is to disengage America from Israel. But, it must be done in phases so the American voters who like and admire Israel will not be unduly upset as voters. One method under consideration is to force Israel to go it alone and destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities - which are scattered all over Iran - but, they are visible and exposed. Just check out August 2008 National Geographic’s feature on Iran with a map showing all the nuclear research and development sites.
This will be a win-win for Obama and his teams of Arabists. Iran will be crippled and the U.S. can claim non-involvement. Then they can vigorously condemn Israel, thereby showing fairness to the Islamists, hoping they will cease their world-wide War of Terror to establish a Global Caliphate under strict Sharia Law.
As the Muslim Terrorists continue to bomb and terrorize, Washington Arabists can and will always put the blame on Israel, thereby exonerating themselves for ceasing the War against Terror. There seems little doubt that Obama, being half Christian and half Muslim will continue to accommodate Terrorist nations, reaching out through appeasement.
Should the Muslim "sleeper cells" now well-established in most American cities thanks to the State Department, succeed in blowing up American cities, the propaganda mechanism in the White House, State Department and the 16 Intel Agencies will crank out dis-information that it’s all the fault of the Jewish State of Israel.
They will perpetually claim that, had Israel either not been established or had she accepted the suicidal plan of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, all would have been peaceful within the peaceful orders of the Koran and Islam’s destiny.
When, not if, the Muslim "Jihadists" (warriors for Islam) in America as well as in Europe, succeed in Terrorizing the people, those who brought it about will claim innocence or the "It’s not my fault doctrine" or "I was only following orders" as was proclaimed by Hitler’s executioners at Nuremberg.
There is talk of dropping charges against the two AIPAC employees accused of spying. Well, why not? First, a formal trial will disclose, in public, that Rice and the FBI colluded to create a false trap to silence and intimidate AIPAC. The Government and her Agencies will have to answer why they needed to silence AIPAC so they would not inform Congress.
Since they have squeezed enough negative publicity out of the false charges, not much more could be gained with a trial. Even now AIPAC, the American Jewish community and Israel have been sufficiently demonized so they will remain intimidated for a sufficient time so President Obama can pin Israel to the Wall with no interference.
The American Arabists want every pro-Israel Congressman or woman, either out or sufficiently intimidated so they will not work against Arab Muslim interests. Thus, they tried to burn Congresswoman Jane Harmon so she will not be re-elected or in charge of the Intelligence Committee overseeing Arabist operations.
Did you really think that Washington Arabists were not deep inside America’s most secret Institutions?
Of course, these are merely my conjectures based upon 40 years of reading the open Media and writing about war-weapons-terrorists and "Shadow Government".
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Britannia Radio