Wednesday, 22 April 2009
April 19, 2009
New Articles

Obama Seeks Amnesty For Illegal Aliens
One of the greatest disappointments expressed by former President George W. Bush was his inability to provide amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens. But as is so often the case, the departure of one Presidential administration and the advent of another Presidential administration seldom means great change, loquacious rhetoric by the current President notwithstanding. The plan to provide amnesty for illegal aliens is a classic case in point. President Barack Obama is determined to succeed where G.W. Bush failed........
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Comparing Clinton's and Obama's First 100 Days
After 100 days, Clinton, as president, appeared subdued as he tried to defend his record insisting, “in this 100 days we have already fundamentally changed the direction of America.” But that was nothing compared to what Barack Obama has done. The euphoria of Clinton’s inauguration faded within 36 hours over the fumbled selection of an attorney general, quickly followed by an obstreperous GOP Senate ready to stand in the way of Clinton’s intention to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military. Clinton’s other blunders included......
By Betty Freauf

President Obama Continues Assault on the Second Amendment
As Wyoming Senator John Barasso pointed out in a recent trip to El Paso, Texas: "Why would you disarm someone when they potentially could get caught in the crossfire?... The United States will not surrender our second-amendment rights for Mexico's border problem." President Obama disagrees and he continues to spread the myth about how.......
by John Velleco

Madoff's theft is petty larceny
I am against the Hostility aimed at poor Bernie Madoff. He's not even in the same league as the real monetary enemies of the world. We just got to lighten up; we're coming down to hard on him. Other people and groups, including our social security system, are doing the same thing without being picked on. Madoff is small potatoes in comparison to the world's greatest scammers. Poor Bernie is 70 years old and facing 150 years in prison, try to figure that one.....
by Paul Cappadona

Twin Crises: Immigration & Electricity Infrastructure
Americans take electricity for granted! They enjoy it without interruption. It provides them with unlimited energy at work, home and play. Electricity allows comfort heretofore unknown to humanity before the 20th century. In 1970, the United States featured the finest nationwide electrical grid known to any civilization. In a short 39 years: “It’s not the best anymore,” said Otto Lynch, chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers.......
by Frosty Wooldridge