April 22, 2009
New Articles
Rebranding Manhood
The manhood brand is dead, kaput, and that is no accident. Men, who built the legal and physical infrastructure of this country from scratch, have, over the past 36 years, chosen to allow women to marginalize and overshadow them. It’s as though the entire history of men was written on an Etch-a-Sketch and then shaken until erased. Maria Shriver, wife of The Terminator, has proclaimed America a woman's nation, and she is right. How pathetic.
Marc Rudow
Thomas Paine video: falsehoods and propaganda
My last column, Lot's of Tea Parties - And Then?, brought some emails complaining I was beating up on Glenn Beck of the FAUX (FOX) News Network because Beck is "our hero." What I did in that column is the same thing I've been doing going on twenty years: Ask questions. Who is Glenn Beck? How did he become a $50 million dollar anchor on a "conservative" network like FAUX after jumping from the liberal CNN? Why does he refuse to have guests on that would debunk some of what he's been peddling with hard facts instead of emotion?.......
by Devvy Kidd
Tea Party Revolution: What Now?
The first tea party we attended was on Tuesday, April 14th, in Friendswood, a suburb of Houston. As soon as we arrived, the Love Priestess began working the crowd, assisted by her sister, Ann. She was supposed to be handing out business cards plugging my daily radio talk show via Republic Broadcasting Network, which she did, but there was something else, so secret she hadn’t told even me about it......
by Alan Stang
What is the Role of Iran?, Part 4
The British “Power Elite” (PE) members didn’t like any strong national leaders. These included Egypt’s Gamal Abdal Nasser (who nationalized the Suez Canal on July 26, 1956) and Iran’s Mohammad Mossadegh, who nationalized that country’s oil industry at the expense of the British. In Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ben Bagdikian’s The Media Monopoly, one reads about “when Kermit Roosevelt, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, wrote a book called Countercoup: The Struggle for the Control of Iran. It was the author’s inside version of how intelligence agencies overthrew a.......
by Dennis Cuddy
Obama Publication Targets Freedom Loving Americans
The Department of Homeland Security, headed by Also Known As (AKA) Obama appointee, Janet Napolitano, has released a report that targets every freedom-loving American. No greater indictment of the truth about the Marxist AKA Administration can be found than this just released report, following hard on the heels of the MIAC report out of Missouri that stated, emphatically, that right-wing extremists are "usually supporters of former Presidential Candidate: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr" and display "pictures, cartoons, bumper stickers that contain anti-government rhetoric.".......
by Lynn Stuter
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
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Britannia Radio