Saturday, 2 May 2009

John Loeffler Steel on Steel Crisis as a Pretext for Change.

Crisis as a Pretext for Change

The Global Nervousness Index seems to be soaring lately with people panicked about everything from economics to swine flu to airplanes over Manhattan. The current global nervousness serves as a cover for structuring new forms of government, supra-national agencies, and banking systems because there aren't many people watching. So what might a new monetary system look like? Attorney Ellen Brown is author of the book "Web of Debt," and she joins us for the first part of the program.

Then John links together the push for a fairness doctrine to control speech on the airwaves or internet to other issues where a slippery slope has prevailed. We follow the thought flow right into an interview with attorney James Kalb, author of "The Tyranny of Liberalism: Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom, Inquisitorial Tolerance and Quality by Command."

John's boralogue projects the perfect financial storm beyond the crisis window of 2009-2012 into the next decade, calling it the Great American Train Wreck followed by a global war cycle of 2018. Sorry. We do say it's the best bad news in town.

P.S.: Don't forget to live your life and serve God.