The Middle East continues its move towards a cold war paradigm, the Obama administration launches another peace attempt, and countries along eastern "Pipelineistan" become a more intense locus of conflict for the world. We hear first from Aaron Klein, Israel bureau chief for Worldnetdaily ( and author of "The Late Great State of Israel." Over 100 days have passed since President Obama took office and he maintains high approval ratings. However, most Americans are oblivious to the consequences, which policies being enacted now will have in 36-48 months. White House correspondent Bill Koenig ( provides a snapshot of our current political course and speed. The House of Representatives passed a hate crimes bill this week which is now headed to the Senate. John's extended boralogue explains why hate crimes laws are an extremely bad idea, distorting equal justice under law to a point where freedom of speech is suppressed. He uses examples from other countries where hate crimes have progressed much further than here. Hate crimes ultimately increase hate rather than reducing it.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
John Loeffler Steel on Steel: The First 100 Days and Israel's Last Days
The First 100 Days and Israel's Last Days
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Britannia Radio